Part 12:- Continuation

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Next day was boring. All decided that we should go shopping and we would buy presents for her. Our time just passed as we were roaming inside a mall and something caught my eye.

It was displayed at the entrance of the shop inside a glass wall. I went inside, it truly reminded me of her. A star shaped pendant chain. I brought it as a gift for her. We all went back to hotel to get ready for the evening.

She had sent us suites for the evening. We all reached the venue before her. Nia welcomed us and told us to help ourselves. We all went to drink section and took champagne as our drink. We got little bored and went near the pool. We all turned around as we heard a footstep approaching us.

She looked stunning in her dress. My jaw dropped and my body temperature was raising against her beauty. I brought my hand to back of my neck and scratched a bit and looked away. Unable to look at her hypnotizing beauty.

She was smiling and talking to boys. I was holding myself back from going near her. I was just looking at her, admiring her beauty. Her guy bestie came and took her away for their performance. I really don't like this guy. As we were near the stage their song started playing and she was in the middle of the stage with that guy. She absolutely looked beautiful.

Performances got over. We drank too much of alcohol but we were steady. We decided we should get going but Dyuthi was nowhere to be found. As I was searching for her around, I found her wandering in the corridor.

I dragged her to one of the rooms and pulled her by her waist, looking into her brown sparkling eyes, I kissed her soft lips. I did. I don't know why I did without her consent but I did.

Even though I was drunk, I was aware of what I was doing. Still I couldn't hold back myself now. At first she was shocked but she went on with a flow as the kiss deepend. We pulled each other away and pressed our foreheads together.

She was looking into my eyes and the next moment she passed out in my arms. I tried to wake her up but couldn't. Without any option, I carried her in a bridal style to the vehicle and even to her house.

I laid her down and found her even more beautiful while she was sleeping. I went back to hotel and waited for night to pass. Thinking about, if she remembers it or not.

Next day, as usual we were getting ready and we found the difficulty in wearing the costume. Soon, she came and helped with our costume one by one by one. I was the last one to get it done. I tried talking but she avoided me. I must say that today was also a surprise for me to see her beauty.

Time started to pass as she was avoiding me the whole time. After the wedding she was crying and I wanted to hold her but I was terrible holding myself again. Soon, we were at our hotel room talking to each other. And thanks to Jungkook I got her number.

After sometime, she was leaving and now at the elevator. I asked her about last night and she told me that she doesn't remember a thing. I was disappointed but I let it pass through me. I was upset and had no interest in doing anything. As for next we had decided to have fun at amusement park.

As usual, she came at the extact time. We all went to her best friend house. The way she was with them made me fall for her more. She was perfect in her own way and that's what I loved about her.

I even thought how can someone fall in love with someone so instantly. She was not my first love still I was drawn to her. Later, the whole day she avoided me. But near the pool when we came shirtless. I could see her blushing.

In the amusement park, nobody recognized us much. So, we choosed to go shirtless. She couldn't even look at us. I found it very funny but cute. In the evening we had our last dinner together. And left for the airport. She looked sad so am I. I wanted to stay bit longer to get to know her more. But we couldn't.

We gave our gifts to her, at first she refused but took it later. Each of us hugged her before leaving. I was the last one to hug and it felt warm and comfy. I wanted to hold her more. With a heavy heart we left. I was soon drifted to sleep on the plane because we were tired today...........

Present day

I heard a knock on my door and it was Jin bro. I was called to have lunch. When I went, everyone was already seated. I quietly took my seat and started to eat.

"Is something going on in your mind Jimin? " Hoseok bro asked with concern. They know that when I'm with them am not a quiet person.

" No, nothing. Am just tired" I lied.

" Eat your food and take rest" Namjoon bro siad for which I just nodded as yes. I went to bed and sleep took me away. Its been a week and we have been practising very hard for our next shoot.

After practice, we all came back to dorm and slept. Next day we had break, after having breakfast. I was sitting alone on the sofa as others were busy doing some stuff and some are resting.

Suga bro came and sat next to me. He first looked at me suspiciously and then my phone. I was looking at the wedding photos.

" You like her. Don't you? " My eyes widened. How did he got to know.... I heart raced.. My mind paused to answer his sudden question.

"Bro.... I.... " I was stuggling to form a sentence then he cut me off.

" I know you do. But you also know that this is not right time for that". He spoke with reminding me about the contract rules.

" Bro, I know this is not right time for that. But what I'm supposed do when I even cannot been able control my feelings. I am trying to hold back or forget this as time passes but I'm not being able to do that". I said with a disappointment.

" Listen, it's not a wrong thing to have feeling for someone. And I also know that it's hard to sort out. But try giving it a thought or just talk to her about it. Our world tour is starting again, maybe that can help".He said and tapped on my shoulder which have me some assurance and strength.

Our days started to pass. We went on world tour. I was not happy inside. I have started to pull out a forced smile. Now others are suspicious about my off minded behavior,but they are trying to cope up with it.

Now from days to months had passed. It's almost six months since our visit to India. But I still haven't got over her. It's has become more stronger than I thought it would be.

I decided that no matter what ,I'm not going to give up on her and am going to confess to her. Also am going to convince our producer for this. I don't know when and how am going to confess to her but I'm doing it.

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