Part 10:- Time passes

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Today I got up by my alarm and did my routine. After shower I got dressed up into my formal office suite, applied some natural makeup. Suddenly, my eyes fell upon the large bag from yesterday. I couldn't hold back my curioucity. So, I decided to open them. I had plenty of time before I get to the office.

First, I arranged them on my table according to their name. I opened
Namjoon's to see and I found the series of books from one of my favorite writer.
Seokjin brought me a cute snowball. I always wanted one but never got a chance to buy one.

You might be thinking how come a billionaire have not brought that small snowball. But sometimes the things which you want doesn't comes so easly.. It comes when it's the right time. Because I never thought that I would meet these people nor I would get this as a gift.

Yoongi brought me a famous customized ink pen with their group name engraved on it.
Hoeseok brought a platinam bracelet.
Jimin brought a chain with star shaped pendent.
Taehyung brought a Gucci handbag. Now, last but not least
Jungkook brought a pair of shoes with lots of gilters and cristals in them.

Inside the bag I found a piece of paper neatly folded. I opened it to see and for my enthusiasm it was not just a piece of paper, it was letter written by them to me. I started reading it........

"Hello Dyuthi,

We did not get much time to spend with you. But whatever we had was really wonderful. We know you are a millioniar or my be billionaire but still we brought you little presentation before our departure.

I brought your favorite author book but I don't know you liked it or not. Hope you like it-Namjoon.

I didn't know what to buy, then I found this snowball which reminded of how beautiful it was just like you. So, I'm giving it - Seokjin

Being a CEO and carrying alot of responsibility is not a easy task. Hope this pen leads you to a wonder paths of life - Yoongi.

I know that platinum are rare to extract and it's expensive. You are rare kind of humble human being. That's why I brought this - Hoseok.

Star shine brightly in the sky and your smile is very bright to light someone's life. Hope this star shines bright in your life - Jimin.

You know my love for Gucci, I found this rare colour and when I saw it I thought it suits your personality. Hope you like it - Taehyung.

I heard that a pair of nice shoes will lead you to a good paths - Jungkook.

Dyuthi, you're very kind, humble and down to earth kind of person we have ever met. We learned a lot through this tour. Your company made our tour twice worth. Thank you and hope we meet again....

A smile curved up my lips and reminded me of my past 5 day with them. I realized how wonderful people they are and am gonna miss them genuinely. I had a empty shelf in my room. I placed their gifts in the shelf neatly according to their name.

Namjoon's and Seokjin's gifts cannot be carried everyday. But I can carry Taehyung's handbag and wear Hoseok's bracelet and Yoongi's pen. I decided to carry it every day. Jimin's and Jungkook's looked very occasion kind of accessories. So, I thought that I would use them in a special occasion.

I thought today these gifts need a special place and time in my house. So, I would carry them from tomorrow. Just the thought of them made me smile. When I reached the office, there were several files needed my sign and were prepared for the further process. I asked Shika my assistant to bring me a cup of coffee and my schedule.

I needed to make up to the last 5 days. After finishing all reschedule meetings and work, I reached home very late. I needed to release my pressure so I went and took a hot bath, changed into my pjamas and went to bed. I had never been fancy about anything. I only brought the things which are only needed for the occasion. I liked to recycle them over and over.

I don't know but without a reason, I was happy. From 2 days I had a smile on my face even though I was dead tired from work today. Went to bed and had a good sleep.

Today I got up and did my routine. I decided to bring Taehyung's and Hoseok's gifts to office today. I entered the office smilingly at my employed and returning their greetings. I met Shika at the elevator, she greeted me with a smile and I retuned it. Then we were inside the elevator,

" You look happy today, is something going on?!! " Shika asked me.

"You need a leave? If you what now am not going to issue any because I terribly need you in the office" I gave her a bossy wikked smile. I thought that she is icing on me for something..

" Oh no, I genuinely asked because corners of your lips are touching your ears. And for the fact I don't need a leave and anyone say that you are happy " She empathized.

" Is that so obvious on my face? " I asked worriedly and she nodded as a yes.
I had always given freedom for my employees to give their thoughts and opinion openly. I think that's why I won several business awards which are voted by the employees.

Like this, days started to pass one by one. I had lot of upcoming projects, business meetings and parties to take care off. During office hours, I worked hard as always but when I went home I started to feel empty. I didn't know it was the house or my heart.

Whenever I watched a romantic movie it reminded me of Jimin. Starting days Jungkook texted me everyday and now they are busy and me too. So, we didn't talk much.

During these days Nia came back from her honeymoon.
We catch up a little and I told her everything that had happened. She told me that if my feelings are sure then I should confess but I was unsure.

I received wedding photos from her and I had it framed in my room. I had hers and BE's photos framed. I also sent Jungkook and he was extremely happy to receive them.

Days started to pass and it became months now. Nia went to states with her husband. After she left I started to feel more empty and I stared to spend most of my time in the office, sometimes never returned home.

My conversation with Jungkook reduced. He told me that they are going for a world tour again and their are really tired from rehearsing and preforming. Like, this, months passed. It's almost been 6 months since their departure. I got to hear from Jungkook here and there about their wherebuts.

One day i was going through some project files and i found a collaboration project with an international hoteline. I went through the files and my face suddenly lit up. I informed Shika to start doing some different project ideas with the planning team for this project. It's been week since I handed over that project to the planning team and they came up with a good presentation.

While this was processing, I met with my parents. It was my mother's birthday so, I had to be there. After coming back the deal was seatled by the other party to sign the contract and I decided to take a member from planning team to travell with me along with Shika. I was extremely happy after 6 long months because I was travelling somewhere, where I wanted to. The day for our departure was set. I packed the stuff I needed. My flight tickets were booked both in and out of that country.

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