Part 19:- Flee Back

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Dyuthi POV

I was just lost in my own thoughts and I opened the door to see the unexpected presence at my door. My mouth fell open thinking what this person is doing at my hotel room door. I slowly composed myself and

"What are you doing here? Jungkook" I asked him with a puzzled expression.

"Hi, Dyuthi. Am sorry to barge in like this. I know you are very upset with us for not approving your relationship with Jimin. But....... " He came inside as he was speaking.

"Kookie, it's fine. I should have know my place earlier and I shouldn't have crossed my path. I have led down you guys. I'm sorry"  I said.

The rejection really hit me very badly but I was barely managing myself.

"Dyuthi, am here to take you somewhere because this might be our last meet. And I want you to come with me" He said like a excited kid.

"Kookie, you know I can't. I have a flight to catch and it will be awkward with you guys after this incident. I don't want to come Kookie" I said as I was disappointed with myself and I was scared to meet Jimin.

" No Dyu, you have to come. Come on, get ready and I will not leave until you come. Please " He pleased me like a baby and I couldn't say no to him anymore.

I got dressed up as quickly as possible and I did little touch up on my face. Grabbed my bag and phone and went out with him. In the car, an English song was playing and Jungkook was driving quietly.

"Jungkook, where are we going? Just tell me and I would be mentally ready for anything". I said worried about his plans because I know that he is mischievous sometimes.

" We are going to the company because we have practice and I want you to be there with us until your flight time " He said his gaze fixed on the road.

" What? The company!!? Kookie. What I will do there? " I said question.

" You will be fine there, Trust me" He said.

And after some minutes we reached their company. He pulled the car at the parking lot and took me inside. Their company was huge, the other idols were walking around in their training attire. We took the elevator and went upto their studio.

Many other studio's were there and others were practicing. We went inside to one of their studio's. The boys were not yet here and Jungkook gave me a cup of coffee and something to eat.

They came one by one. I greeted them and they did the same. I did not find Jimin in there and my eyes we're searched for him and I wanted to ask someone about him. They started practicing and the door opened to see Jimin entering.

He looked pale and less energetic. At first he did not recognize me, maybe he thought that am one of their staff. But then he realized and looked at me again.

Our eyes met and we locked eyes for a long time. We both felt some sting pain in our hearts which we couldn't express. We wanted to be in each other's embrace, wanted to feel each other warmth. But we couldn't.

Tears started well up in eyes, which I was trying to push it back. Someone shrugged my shoulder which made to break our eye contact. He went in and started practicing. Two hours just went like that and it was my time to leave them. I had no idea when I will meet them.

I stood up and went near them, they were discussing something about choreography.

" Guys, I think I should leave now. It's time to catch my flight. Nice spending time with you guys. " I said in a low voice.

" I'm gonna miss you guys" I said and looked at each other. They were silent.

" Guys say something " I spoke again to break the killing silence.

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