Part 18:- Approval

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Dyuthi POV

I got up in the morning. My mind was in a daze. Completely nervous , confused and obviously scared. I couldn't control myself from biting my lips , rubbing my hands and tapping my foot at the same time. My mind was in a state that nobody ever could imagine.

I had my breakfast and after that I went to take a relaxing shower but I ended up sinking down in more thought like ,
'what if they don't approve'?                 'how I'm going to convince them?'
'what will I do'?? 

I got more nervous by these and obviously more scared that I would lose Jimin for whom I longed for so many months. I can not afford to lose him and had texted each about every moment of the boys since morning.
I wanted to talk to boys before lunch. So , I texted him that I am leaving the hotel now.

I reached the dorm, I found myself at the door bell switch, thinking press or not to press. I was freaking inside out and I could feel that every brain cell of my brain would brust out anytime.

Finally, my shaky hands reached the switch and pressed it. Jimin  opened the door and instantly understood my terrible state. He held my hand and let me inside, before reaching the living area, he asked

"Are you nervous??" I looked at him more nervously and held his hand tightly and

"I am freaking out inside Jimin" I said,

"don't worry, everything gonna be alright " he said hugging me from a side and rubbing my shoulders to calm me down.

when we reached the living area, he let go of my hand and everyone welcomed me. Even though my heart was racing , I forcefully brought a smile on my face to look normal and sat down on the couch along with others.

"Jin, can I get a glass of water? " I asked and he gave the water which i gulpped down in one go.

"Wooow wooow, slow down. you might choke" Hoseok said with concern.

"Ah~h~h  such a hot day, you know " I said , my body has started to heat up and sweat.

"It's quite cold degrees outside" Namjoon said with his 148 IQ, for which I laughed like a stupid.

After that everybody sat down and I was trying to have a normal conversation. There were two chair which were there infront of the couch and I went and sat on one of them.

"Ah~h~h.....Guys , before I leave for India, I wanted to talk to you guys something ." I said looking at each of them. I wanted someone to break the silence.

"You are going back??when?" Jungkook asked in state of shock.

"Yes , on Saturday and I don't think, I won't be able to meet you guys after today"  I stated and

" why is that? " Taehyung asked

"Because, tomorrow and Friday I have some work which needs my presence before I go back. " I said

"Ok, then when will you come back again"  Jungkook asked me again.

"I don't know, I think when work needs me or someone else which matters most. "I said slightly looking at Jimin.

"You wanted to say something right??" Jin spoke, making me remember that I have something important to say.

"Ok fine, I don't know where to start but I will just do it ok. " I said bit nervously.

"Guys, I know how much important this band to stay as a family. I also know that it took a quite a time to form a band and later as a family and I want this to stay like this forever, Even if you guys disband. "I paused and looked at Jimin and took get deep breath .

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