Part 28:-Togetherness

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Dyuthi P.O.V

Time skip 2 and a half month.

Its been a 4 and a half month to be exact since my pregnancy . And today we are all preparing for our World wide Handsome' s wedding . I'am wearing a floweral printed off shoulder knee length lace fitted dress and with flat silver shoes with a silver clutch . I had to be extra careful with myself by not wearing a pair of heels not because I would trip but because it would effect spinal cord and the baby.

I would love to help them in the wedding preparation but I hope you would imagine my life with 7 crazy over protective men around me all the time. My baby bump has started to grow. It doesn't show that much but I could feel the little life growing inside me.

I had already meet my new sister and we even went for wedding dress shopping with our 7 mothers. We bonded pretty quickly , Kim Mi-na . I had learnt that in Koreans , same sir name people should not get married unless they have at least 8 generations of gap. Since, our boy is Kim seok - jin. But her real name is Choi Mi -na. I said her name with her changed sir name. She is a fashion blogger. Nice pair right. Jin is a eating blogger and she is a fashion one. When he told us about her, we right away knew that he was serious about his relationship. We all took family picture together at the end of the wedding ceremony . They are going for their honeymoon next day.

These days I feel more tired by the morning sickness. So , I get up late and I choose to work from home until my body cooperates with me . We all went to our respective houses as we were all tired from the wedding preparations. You know , when a person in the family gets married, there will be a lot of preparations and things needs to take care off.

The next day, only Jimin went to see them off at the airport. The newlywed couple choose the place which is much colder one 'Switzerland' to be exact. They said that '' we will be close to each other most of the time. So, it's the perfect place for us'' their words not mine. Cheesy couple . Hopefully everything is going very smoothly .

When I heard my baby's heart beat for the first , I was mesmerized by the beauty of nature and it's creation . Motherhood is a beautiful thing in life, when you realize in couple of months you will the creator of your own creation . Once, my 5 month starts I will be going back to the office regularly because it's safe.

Like every other women out there am too nervous about my first pregnancy. Jimin, who has been always understanding and respecting my decision, he has let me go to the office with the few changes like - comfy resting chair, lots of my favorite food and etc. I love the way he cares for me not much words but actions . Time just flees when every thing is so fine and good around.

It's been two months since I started going to the office . My baby has fully grown in my stomach and I can feel it's moment. Even though it's my seventh month of my pregnancy, I still don't know the gender of the baby. Because , I feel that, it's a nature's gift to us. The nature as decided to give us something by surprise, me without asking it.

So, whatever that has inside me growing day by day with love , I will embrace it gracefully. In India, it is illegal to know the gender of the baby before it's birth. In South Korea also it is illegal to know the gender of the baby. It is carried out because to maintain the gender balance in the country. Even though my doctor wanted to reveal it, I rejected politely by saying '' I want it to be surprise when I give birth''.

Once, all the boys came to my appointment, because they couldn't constrain themselves to hear and see their first child as they all going to it's godfathers. I tired so hard time convincing my doctor to let them in during examination. Then they got to stay inside only for 2 minutes. They were all shocked, surprised, and happy.


I came back from office all tired and found my house empty. Jimin should be here at this hour? where is he? a thought crossed my mind . My husband is keeping something from me. But I always let it go because he took care of my cravings, my mood swings , even the little fights over stupid things. I tried calling him but no response. After 2 mins I received a text saying,

''I will be coming late for home, baby. Eat your food , don't forget the medicines and sleep tight my love".

I smiled at his message of love. He never forget to take care of me even though he is not around. I don't worry about him when ever he is late because I know he will be with the boys and no where else. As he said, I had my dinner , took my medicine and went to bed, soon sleep took over me as my body was tired . I don't know when a hand came encircling my bumped waist. So, I knew that my husband was home and is sleeping next to me. He caressed my baby bump and kissed the side of head and whispered , " I love you both" . I felt comfort in his words and touch, unknowingly a smile appeared on my face and drifted off to sleep with him.

I already know that he is going to be a father to my child and I don't to worry about. Sometimes his actions speaks more than his words about how much he loves me and our unborn child.

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