Part 20:- The call

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Dyuthi POV

You never know when time just passes away like it had happened yesterday. Being with Jimin made my whole world so beautiful and perfect.

Even though we were in a long distance relationship, we always had our ways to make it short one. Our meetings were confined, conserved and always been a secret. Because ,we care for each others safety.

Whenever I am with him, I feel like a child who wants only to be with her favourite person. Going to his concerts is one of the best part of my life . And our meetings were always International , you know love has no boundaries to fall in love .

One time it's Europe and another time USA and other time Japan. We have roamed many places to date. My scheduled used to preplanned according to his schedule. Whenever I had work where I couldn't make up for us, he used to come down to India, to be with me.

Whenever I saw him in front of me, I would just run towards him and jump on a him like a kid. We being understanding with each others work and responsibility, our bond grew much tighter and stronger in this past two years.

Did I say 2 years??? yes I did.

It's been two years since we started dating and alot of happy things happened in my life. My brother had got married to one of the most wonderful women in the world , as sister- in- laws our bond made a difference as sister, siding my own brother.

I invited the boys and Bang PD but because of their finalized schedule, they couldn't. Our baby boy Jungkook has returned from his Military Service, as it was mandatory for every Korean male citizen to enlist for military before they turn 30. He hates it when I call him baby boy but I never gonna stop calling him that.....

I couldn't get to meet him but I sent him a nice custom made ring for his return. Everyone is happy. They are happy , I am happy and what else do I need. I think , this is what life gives you with a big surprise. An extremely unexpected one.

Present day :-In the office

My day was going pretty well with a lot of work and I was almost exhausted . Our companie's 50th anniversary was coming up and my parents came down to the city for the company's party. The preparation work were going very hastly.  There was still a lot of work left for me to finish up .

Today was again my overtime in the company though my sister-in-law is also working with me , being the head of the company is not a small idea to deal with.

I had a lot of caffeine since morning to keep me up but ultimately my body gave up on me. I don't remember the time but I just slept on a file I was going through

Next morning

Something was ringing loud like a siren in the early morning . I thought it was my regular alarm but not,  it was Jimin who was calling me at my regular time. I picked it up ,

"good morning, babe"  he said the with such an energetic style which made me smile but my body was still heavy to wake up.

"goooood morninggggg
......." I said in a sleepy voice

"babe , you fine??!! Are you still in sleep ??!! you don't sound good, Honey " he said with such a care.

how much sweet does this boy will get?? he knows all of my voice types. I smile with that thought

"Am fine babe, I slept off in the office"  still my body is not producing any energy .

"You did over time again , Dyuthi !! I told you not to work so much, now get some more sleep. I'll call you later, when I am free"  he said , I would feel him worrying over me .

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