Part 24 :- Now the Whole World Knows

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It's been 4 days since we returned from our honeymoon . our life have been pretty good and hectic with our love and work. Jimin's manager has called us to inform that we have a group interview tomorrow. I was in my office going through some document. I heard a knock on my office Door,

" Mam , tomorrow's schedule has been rescheduled anything else you need" Shikha my assistant spoke. I had asked her reschedule everything , that's their tomorrow other than the interview.

"No , thankyou Shikha. you can finish up and go home early. Ohh, wait , come and take a seat" I said pointing my hand towards the seat in front of me.

She hesitantly took a seat.

" I know Shikha, I have been selfish to bring you along with me to here . To an unknown country . I know you might be missing your family , I am sorry but if you need any help please feel free to ask me, ok. And if you want to go back to India , it's your decision. I'm going to respect that no matter what" I had been waiting to have a conversation with her since we came to Korea.

But due to my personal reasons, I wasn't been able to do . So, today I finally got the chance , she had been a great help for me since my initial working days and we both treat each other as friends.

"No , ma'am it was my choice to follow you here . If I never wanted this , I would have never came and for the fact, I am exploring this country a lot and I must say that there are a lot of hot guys in here." She said happily which made my heart ease a bit.

" And I will definitely tell you, if I want to go back or need any help. don't worry"she ended and comment out.

I felt satisfied. My work took a lot of time and I went home to only to witness a romantic dinner and unconsciously a smile appeared.

" Looks like someone is in good mood" I walked towards the table.

"Recently having you by my side is the best thing . That's why, my mood is good" he pulled me towards him and give me a peck on my lips.

"Come , let's have dinner" he said and pulled a chair for me . We sat down and sipped glass of freshly pored wine. I was enjoying my food when he decided to disturb and

" So, are you ready for tomorrow " he spoke with concern in his voice.

"Yeah this is not my first time. of course, but it's different feeling . I still don't know if they have accepted me or not. so, kind of nervous "I spoke with little unsure about their mindset about me.

"They?? who? Bank PD ?or the boys?" he asked me in a shocked worried voice.

"ohh... no , not them. I am talking about ARMY's . I am scared , if they have accepted me or hate me . I don't know, what is they hate me . Jimin." I asked feeling tensed about the feeling of ARMY's.

"Don't worry, they love us and I am sure they are gonna love you too. Just give them some time." he said taking my hand in his and rubbing it a little.

I nodded and the rest of the conversation was about our family ,work , friends after that we went to sleep cuddling to each other in bed. Soon , the morning Sun brimmed in the glass walls of our bedroom.

I looked at peaceful sleeping Jimin. I kissed his forehead and went towards the bathroom . I finished my morning routine and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast after preparing I went into the bedroom to get ready.

I saw Jimin getting dressed. we kissed each other and i wore Rose pink silk saree with my mangalsutra along with the chain he gifted me on your honeymoon. I kept my makeup minimal to look natural with pink bindi and a pair of pearl jhumkas and bangles.

I finished and we went towards the dining table to eat. I was eating a little because, I was tensed and nervous. I think he noticed that he held my hand, give a kiss and smile to make me feel at ease . Even on our way to the company , he never left my hand. we reached the company and went to backstage where the interview was going to held. I saw other members of the BTS.

" Hey, sister - in - law. How are you?? and you look beautiful ." Taehyung was the first one to greet me with the hug.

" I am good and thank you . how are you brother -in -law " I greeted back smiling.

"How are you guys?" I asked them and they all said they all doing good with the hug.

Soon , the manager called us towards the stage. As we both were the centre of attraction of today's event . So, we sat at the centre of the table and the boys sat each side of us . The interview started and they asked few questions to the boys before turning to us.


Interviewer :- Hello , mam how do you feel about being married to one of the world's best band member.

I smiled and took the mic.

Dyuthi:- Hello , I must say that it feels incredible to be a part of their life.

Interviewer :- please tell something about you which we must take a point off.

Dyuthi:- A point , I think about from being recognised as Jimin's wife. I do have my own recognition as a CEO of the Roy group. Dyuthi Park Roy . you can take a point on that.

I gave a genuine smile and look that Jimin to witness him smiling proudly.

Interviewer:- Some personal questions mam , who fell for whom at first??

Jimin:- I did it was love at first sight for me.

I smiled at him

Interviewer:- who confessed first and when??

Dyuthi :- it was me. I confessed after six months, when I met Jimin again in Korea.

Interviewer :- how you guys met??

Dyuthi :- when he came to India for World tour and there were accommodated at one of my hotel.

Interviewer:- how did the boys took your relationship??

Dyuthi:- They took it very well and they were supportive . At first, I wanted their approval and askex them but they pulled up prank on a saying no but later they are all approved. And that's why we are here today basically without them ,we couldn't have made it today.

Interviewer:- how do you think that their fans will take it?

Dyuthi :- Actually , I am nervous because I am also worried how they will take . So, I have no idea for now and I think I have to wait.

Interviewer:- who are your parents and family also about your company can you tell some more about them

Dyuthi:- my parents are Indians and they are very loving and supportive. I have a very artistic brother , who got married a year ago with the love of his life . My sister-in-law manages the company in India because I have shifted my head office to Korea and if you want to know about my company , you can come to my office with an appointment.

I smiled genuinely.

Interviewer:- Ma'am last question. Do you have anything to say to the media.

Dyuthi:- ohh... actually yes to their fans ARMY's . I know they might be upset and angry about me for marrying one of their favourite person but I would like to say that, please don't worry. I won't let anything happen to him and I promise to take care of his little heart with more love because, I know that if he gets hurt , you guys will get hurt too. If you want , you can hate me but not them please . I don't know you guys personally but I have heard a lot of good things about you guys . Don't forget to take care of yourself and continue to love and support them as you guys do . I purple you. thank you .

I smiled and looked at Jimin who was also smiling , after some minutes. The interview was ended and we went out to have lunch with everyone. It was a beautiful moment for me to have my family around me later I went to the office and Jimin to the company as he had something to take care off.

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