Chapter 10: Declan

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"I'm leaving," I whisper in Karma's ear. She's sleep balled up under the cover. I kiss the top of her head before climbing out her bedroom window. Sneaking around the front of her house, I run across the street to the side of my house and my window. I can hear my mom knocking on my door as I start to slowly slide open my window.

"Hold up mom," I yell back once I'm back in my room. I quickly pull off my jeans and slide on some joggers.

When I open the door I see her and Maggie standing with bright smiles on their faces.

"Morning, Declan" My mom's eyes flick past me to my room. "We were going to the boat show today and were trying to see if you wanted to go?"

"A boat show?" I'm concerned now as I look down at her. "Mom, are you going to be alright going around all those people?"

"Yea." I look past her, but not before seeing her move her head up and down. "Her therapist wants her to start trying to get out and be with people. She's trying to work her way up so we can start going to your games. She wants to at least see one of your games before you graduate," Carl says, walking out of my mom's bedroom.

Carl told me once he would love to come to one of my games but he didn't want to leave my mom out. He's a cool dude and seems to care about my mom. I just hope her happiness is not all about him because if he leaves her she'll be right back where she started or worse.

My mom is just smiling. I rub my hand down my face. "Sure I can go with you guys. I can just text my dad and tell him I can meet him later."

"Great," my mom says smiling up at me. "I will get breakfast started. We will leave in an hour."

I nod before walking over to the bathroom. I need to shower first. I have Karma scent all over me.

We've been walking around the boat show for about forty-five minutes. I thought it was going to be outside. Not at the Expo Center downtown.

"So is Carl looking to buy a boat?" I ask my mom.

"No, he just likes to pass out his business cards at the boat, motorcycle, or car shows," my mom replies.

I furrow my brows. "I thought he fixed on cars. Does he know how to fix boats & motorcycles, too?"

"Yes silly," she says smiling at me.

"Did he go to school for this?"

"Yes, Declan. And he owns the shop he works in."

"Cool." I look around at all the different boats. I've never really been interested in boats and to tell the truth I'm still not.

Carl and Maggie are standing by the jet skies talking to some man with a long red beard. My mom and I are just standing to the side. My mom hasn't said it but I know this is too much for her. She's just putting on a brave face. Most likely for Carl.

"So are you and Karma having safe sex?"

My eyes snap away from playing Minecraft on my phone. "What?" I stammer out. "Mom..what are you talking about?"

"Owen Declan McKinley, don't stand there and act like you don't know what I'm talking about. I know she sneaks in your window." She's giving me a gotcha expression. "The walls are thin and I can hear."

I'm frozen in place. I can't believe I didn't consider that my mom could hear us. Now I'm horrified that my mom could hear us.

"Umm sometimes," I say knowing this is the wrong answer it makes me look stupid.

"Well if you're going to be having sex then you need to be safe. There are diseases, Aids, and babies." She looking at me all nonchalant and I'm over hear still stunned that my mom had heard me having sex. "Are you planning on marrying her?"

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