Chapter 25: Declan

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"So how is Karma doing? What did the doctor say at the last visit?" My mom asks me. I'm sitting in the living room watching TV.

"She hasn't had one -  the doctor canceled."

My mom gives me a confused look. "I saw her when I was heading to work. She told me she was on her way to her doctor's appointment."

I blow out a harsh breath. "I didn't know." I feel a little anger boiling up at me. I can't believe she lied to me.

"When was the last time you talked to her?"

"I don't talk to her, I just text about her doctor's appointments."

Matter of fact I haven't talked to anybody really. I go to school, practice, and home. I sometimes deal with Hannah. For a while, I paraded her ass around still thinking Karma might be affected but the other day I saw Nate picking her up and dropping her off at school.

I don't even talk to my dad either. I feel like this shit is his fault. He invited Jerome and his family to Jamaica and then he made me go to Aspen. Now I have to watch someone take over my fucking family.

"Are you okay Declan?" I hear my mom ask pulling me out of my musing.

"Yeah. Sorry." I rub my hand down my face. "Where is Carl?"

"He took Maggie to see her mom."

"Where is her mom?" I ask. I have never asked about Maggie's mother. I just assumed that Carl and she had joint custody or something.

"She's back in rehab." My mom sits on the couch beside me. "She struggles with drug abuse just like I struggle with depression."

I don't respond to that. My mom is still struggling with depression. She has been doing so much better but she still has her bad days. Days when she doesn't want to get out of bed; but Carl is here making her get up and join the living - his words.

"Well, are you dating Hannah? She seems to really like you."

"Nope we're cool and we hang out sometimes but that's about it - nothing more."

"Well make sure you're using protection. The one grand is enough. I'm too young right now."

Laughing, I nod. "You best believe that will not be happening any time soon and not with her."

"Your dad called me the other day asking about you. He's really upset you won't talk to him."

Tighten my jaw. I try to calm my anger before speaking. "Mom." I stare at her. "I can't with him right now. I'm angry at him and I would rather have the distance for now."

"Well, he does love and wants the best for you...Declan. He just shows it differently. You shouldn't go too long without talking to him." She watches me with worried eyes. "...and you should talk to Karma and work whatever the problem is out. You two have a child coming and should be at least on speaking terms."

I don't say anything to her words. I just sit quietly pondering on everything.

Buzz buzz

Picking up my phone I see it's a text.

Miguel: Bro I need a ride. I got this last drop and then need you to me go get a car

Me: Ok. Give me ten minutes.

"Mom, I've got to go run Miguel somewhere. You'll be alright here by yourself?"

She gives me an are-you-kidding look. "Of course I will be fine. I'm about to start cooking and cleaning up." She looks off to the side as if she's in thought. "Tomorrow Carl and I will start looking for a bigger place. Maggie is getting too old to sleep in the room with us."

It's All In the Game (McKinley Family Series #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora