Chapter 17: Declan

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"So what are y'all doing tonight?" Miguel asks. King and I just left football practice and I'm tired. We have a game tomorrow and I need my rest.

"Not shit. I'm going home and getting in the bed," I say.

"I don't really have shit planned either. I'm going home to check on Karma and then I may go by Destiny's house," King replies.

King has been a little distant lately. I mean he's still King but it's like he has something heavy on his mind. He's always with Karma lately checking on her or taking her something to eat.

"Karma sick?" I ask.

"Something like that. She has some personal things going on with her," he says putting his head down.

"Personal things?" Miguel asks "What?... Is she pregnant? I mean I keep asking her but she keeps avoiding my question." Miguel is looking down at his phone. "It's like a yes or no question. How hard is it to answer?" he says.

King is staring at me and I'm sitting here letting Miguel's words play through my head. Pregnant? By who?

"Clearly we will-" Miguel stops talking when he looks up and sees my shocked expression and King looking like the cat caught with the canary.

"I have to go," King rushes out before turning and jumping in his car. Miguel and I just watch him as he drives off.

"So...that was weird. Do you think she's pregnant?"

Pregnant? I shrug. "By who?" I know like hell Karma isn't fucking with no one else. So this is a stupid question. I know if she's pregnant it's my baby. Is she fucking with someone and I don't know?

"Hell, I don't know. I haven't seen her with anyone but nobody tells me shit."

"You need a ride?"

"Yes. I've got almost thirty-five hundred saved up. I saw a few cars that I liked online. We just need to make two more drops."

I nod my head. When we get in the car Miguel starts talking about some girl with four nipples in his American History class. I'm driving half-listening in deep thought. I think about the possibility of Karma being pregnant. I do the calculations in my head she would be about three months if she is pregnant. I smile thinking of her and my baby.

"Why wouldn't anyone tell me if she is?" I blurt out.

Miguel stops and looks at me. "Ummm...what?"

"Why wouldn't they tell me if Karma is pregnant?"

"I don't know but I'm sure it would be something Karma has everyone doing?" Miguel nods his head. "Yep, that would have her written all over it." I nod because I agree.

Dropping off Miguel I go home to my mom's. I pull up to my house and see all the cars are gone. I slowly get out of the car and walk up to the porch. I turn and stare over at the house across the street. I feel so lost and confused without her. These past few weeks I've been on a few dates with Paisley and Hannah; both girls are cool but I don't see anything coming from it. I still want and love Karma.

Standing in the dark on my porch, I wonder what is she doing over there? If she's pregnant and if the baby could be mine. Hearing my phone beep I reach down and pull it out of my duffle bag.

Hannah: Hey you want to grab something to eat.

Me: Tired laying down

Walking into my house, I walk straight to my room dropping my bag on the floor. When I sit down on my bed and slowly lay back crossing my arm over my face. Hearing my phone beep again I pick it up and bring it to my face.

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