Chapter 23: Declan

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"So you are - going skiing with Paisley? I thought you wanted to get back with Karma," Miguel asks, as we both sit at the empty cafeteria table. My eyes dart around but I don't see Karma anywhere.

"I am. My dad doesn't think I'm really in love." Taking a bite of my pizza I look at Miguel; he's smirking at me. "What? Karma told me it was fine to go."

"And you believe that shit?" He laughs. "Bro, I always thought you were smart but these last few months I'm not so sure about that."

" don't think she will be alright with it?"

"Hell naw she ain't alright with this shit. All you're doing is proving she can't trust you."

"So Kennedy said she has the house to herself and is having a small get-together. Who's going?" King asks, sitting next to me.

"I'm in," Miguel replies, raising his hand. "Declan you might as well come out. Karma is done with you."

"Why? What happened now?" King asks, darting his eyes at us.

"Declan is going skiing, with Paisley."

King chuckles a little, pulling his notebook out of his bookbag. He reaches in his bag grabbing a pen. "Dude you honestly fell for that shit. Her telling you that's she's fine with you going off with a girl." King starts laughing. "Well, I wonder what she'll do next."

I start to feel a little uneasy about going, so I don't say anything else I just listen to them joking about the situation for the rest of our lunch.

When the first bell ring. I head to Karma's locker since she didn't come to lunch. When I'm halfway there I see her coming from one of the outside doors walking to her locker.

"Where are you coming from?" I ask her reaching her locker.

"Ummm Chris texted me and asked if I wanted to get lunch with him."

She said this shit all nonchalant. Is she crazy? Why the fuck would she think this shit was cool? "You did what?"

She looks at me with an innocent look. "I went to lunch with Chris."

"Who the fuck is Chris and why the fuck would you go with him to lunch? If you wanted something different all you had to do was say something."

"Well maybe next time," she says closing her locker and turning to walk off. All I can do is stand there. Is this what they were talking about?

After school, I look around for Karma to give her my keys but I can't find her. "Where the hell is she?" I think, pulling out my phone. I have practice in five minutes and can't be late.

Me: Where you at

Karma: Chris gave me a ride

Rubbing my hand over my head in frustration, I head to the locker room. When I make it there everybody is suiting up. Opening my locker, I grab my gear and stick my bag inside. I slam the door and sit down on the bench before kicking my helmet.

"Bro, you ok?" King asks. When I look up the room has stopped what they were doing and is looking at me.

"Yea I'm fine."

"You sure? Because slamming doors and kicking shit is a clear sign something is wrong."

"Yea I'm sure."

"Bro, whatever she is doing...just know." I look up to King. "She won't cheat." I nod because I needed to hear that.


I'm boarding my dad's private plane on my way to Aspen to ski. Paisley and her friends left yesterday but I had Karma's doctor's appointment and football game. She decided that she didn't want to know what she was having so it was cool with me.

It's All In the Game (McKinley Family Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now