Chapter 21: Karma

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"Karma! Hurry up in the bathroom...I gotta pee," King yells through the bathroom door.

"You gotta wait. I told you about drinking all that water before bed."

I pull on my shirt and pick up my clothes off the floor. When I open the door King falls through the door.

"Damn Karma what were you doing in here?" He asks scrunching up his nose. When I walk towards the door he hurries up and closes the door.

I can hear him laughing through the door. I walk to my room and put my stuff away.

"I'm going to the store, do you want anything?" My grandma asks.

"No, my baby daddy is coming to get me. He's making me go over to his daddy's house," I say rolling my eyes.

My grandmother chuckles. "Well, I will see you later."

Thirty minutes later I'm sitting on the side of Declan listening to him talk to Ethan.

"Bro you can't stay mad at Matthew. He was only thinking of your future. Look at it like this, don't you want the best deals to be able to take care of your family?"

Declan runs his hand down his neck. "I understand all of this. I just didn't like him going behind my back," Declan replies.

"He did it that way because he knew Karma was the more reasonable person."

I look over and smirk at Declan. "Exactly," I say.

Ethan laughs through the car speakers. "Hey, Karma. I didn't know you were with Declan."

"Don't act like you don't know that he forces me to go places with him."

Ethan laughs harder. "Well, my client just walked in. Talk to Matthew, Bro," Ethan says before disconnecting the call.

"I agree with Ethan you need to get over it."

Declan gives me an incredulous look. "The same way you've gotten over what I did."

"That's different. Matthew did what he did for your own good. You did what you did because you're a horny teenager."

He sighs but doesn't respond.

"Why don't you call me Owen anymore?" Declan asks me.

"That was a term of endearment. We are not together."

At that, his sigh is more sad or disappointed; I'm not sure. He doesn't say anything for the rest of the ride, and secretly I kind of hate it. When we pull up at the house he parks in the circular driveway. There are a few cars here. I've been here twice before each time for Declan's birthday, never just to hang out.

When we walk in people are standing around in little huddles talking. "Did you know they were having something?" I whisper.

Declan shakes his head and starts walking toward the family room. I follow close behind him not wanting to be left behind. When we step in we spot his dad immediately. He's standing by the fireplace talking to two men in suits.

"Hello Declan," his dad says when we approach.

"Hey, dad. What's going on here?"

"We closed a big deal today. So we decided to have a small dinner party." He looks around Declan and frowns before he catches himself. He quickly pastes on a smile. "Hello, Karma I didn't know you were coming with Declan."

I throw him a dismissive wave, not liking the frown he tried to hide. Not that I really care, but I guess his dad doesn't like me anymore since I've gotten pregnant.

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