Chapter 28: Karma

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"I am so hungry. I could really eat a chilly dog, some ice cream with gum bears and caramel...Oh and some tacos."

Jewel turns up her lip at the corner. "Ewww...All of that is going to have you shitty," Jewel says, closing her locker.

"As long as it tastes good before it comes out then I'm good."

Jewel starts laughing.

"Hey ladies," Miguel says, walking up in the middle of us and putting his arms on both of our shoulders.

"Miguel!" I shout. "If you don't get your arm off of me. Do you see the belly?" I point down to my stomach. "There is a whole person in there. I don't need the extra weight."

Miguel starts laughing as he removes his arm.

"I'm sorry ma. I forgot."

"What do you want anyway?" Jewel asks him as we all walk into the cafeteria.

Looking over at the different stations, I see I'm not going to get anything I want. "I guess I will settle for chicken strips and fries." I think to myself. It's crowded in the cafeteria today.

"Are you two going to the game this Friday?" He asks.

"You know I am," I say walking toward the line. They both follow behind.

"Hey Miguel," some tall girl with dreads say. Miguel smiles and waves.

Jewel rolls her eyes. "I'm not sure. Clif wants to go see that new movie 'Mama'." My head snaps to her. "...but y'all know how much I hate scary movies.

I bite the inside of my jaw. "Should I tell her?" I muse to myself as I grab my food. Miguel and Jewel grab the same thing and we all head over to the table with King and Declan.

"Didn't Declan and you go see that movie last night?" Miguel asks.

"Yes. I hated the end, but I would say it's worth watching."

"I want to go see Texas Chainsaw," Miguel says, sitting his tray down. I sit down next to Declan who is working on his homework.

"It's good. Me and Alisha went and saw it on Saturday." King says.

"Dude why you didn't tell me you were know I wanted to see that movie," Miguel says.

"I did text you. You didn't text me back."

Miguel pulls out his phone and looks down at it. "Awww yeah...I forgot you texted me. I was helping my grandad and said I would call you back and forgot."

"See you need to start following through," King says reaching over and grabbing one of my fries.

I hit his hand knocking the fry out of his hand. "If you reach over here again. You are not gonna be able to play Friday because your hand is going to be broken." I glare at him. "Go get your own damn food."

"Damn Karma it was just a fry," King says laughing and standing. "It's alright you will need me to go get you something to stuff in your mouth and I'm going to remember this.

"She can call me," Declan says, never looking up from his homework.

Miguel and Jewel laugh and I stick my tongue out at King. "Hear that?" I ask. He rolls his eyes.

"Declan man...we have to stick together. Bro's before ho's," King says quickly backing up and turning to run off.

Miguel and Jewel are laughing so hard. "I'm going to kick his ass," I say.

"So what y'all think should I see Mama or Texas Chainsaw?"

Declan's head snaps up and he looks at me, and I look back down to my food.

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