Chapter 29: Declan

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We just won the game and like always I'm excited to see Karma. Everybody is out on the field. First, I'm looking for King because I need to tell him I'm not going for pizza. I'm taking Karma's ass home. She has been tired a lot lately.

"Good game," someone says. It's always so chaotic after any game. "I need to hurry." Karma never uses it at a game so when I make it to the car she is always about to pee on herself.

When I finally spot King he's running off the field. "Where is he going?" I think.

"Declan!" I hear someone call my name. Looking around I see the girl that Miguel has been messing with. She's walking toward me by herself. "Where's Miguel," I wonder.

"Nice game Declan," Chad says patting me on the shoulder. "Are you going for pizza?"

"Naw." I shake my head. Looking back toward the girl, I continue toward her. I can't ever remember her name for shit. When I get to her I see the worried expression on her face. She even looks like she may have been crying.

"Declan, Miguel called me, he said to tell you and King, that Karma has been shot. She's at Jefferson County."

"What? Shot?" My head twists around. "Here at the game...where?" I rush out.

"I don't know. Miguel and her left when the game first started."

Looking around, I can't focus. "Shot?" Those words keep playing over and over again. "Who would shoot her?" I ponder. I take off in the direction King left.

"Declan," somebody shouts my name but I don't stop. I make it to the parking lot and don't see King anywhere. I look around rubbing my hand through my short hair.

"FUCK!" I yell as I start to panic. Turning in a circle I try to think of a way to get to the hospital but I can't get Karma being shot out of my head to focus.

"Declan," this way. I feel someone guiding me into a car.

Hearing the door shut, I look to my left and see Matthew. He's looking straight ahead. I have so many questions but I'm too scared to ask any of them.

"Please God let her be alright, I beg you. Please let her be ok," I close my eyes praying that whatever is going's nothing.

When we pull up to the ER I see King's car already here. I jump out before Matthew can even park the car.

When I step into the ER I don't see anyone. I rush to the nurse or whatever she is at the desk.

"Karma Crosby?"

"She's on the second floor I'm sure-"

I don't let her finish. I run to the stairs next to the elevators and see another desk. I rush to that one but stop when someone calls my name.

Turning I see Miguel. His clothes are covered in blood, and I feel myself getting weak. My eyes search his face for some kind of answer, but his face is unreadable.

"Where is she?"

"They took her to surgery...Bro," He gets choked up. "I'm so sorry."

Not responding, I rush past him where I find Ms. C holding King. He's on his knees with his arms wrapped around her waist and his face buried in her shirt. I turn away.

"Declan," I hear my mom but I turn away. I hurry and find a seat. I don't need anyone talking to me or fucking touching me. I just want them to come to get me when she is out of surgery so I can curse her out.

I'm sitting directly in front of the doors. I'm sure the doctor will come from these doors and I need to be right here when he comes out.

"Declan," I hear my dad say, but I don't answer. "Why won't they just leave me alone. I'm fine," I muse to myself.

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