Chapter 19: Declan

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When I woke up this morning my first agenda was swinging by my dad's before he goes to work. I need to talk with him and then my mom and tell both of them about the baby. I'm starting with the hardest person first.

Knocking on my dad's office door, I wait for a response already knowing he's in there. He's always in his office early before going to work.

"Come in." I hear him call out.

When I walk in I see him looking over some papers, and siping on his morning tea.  "Dad I need to talk with you about something important."

His blue-green eyes show concern as he slides off his glasses. "What is it?"

I take a deep breath. "Karma is pregnant." I watch as my dad's face goes from confusion, shock, and anger in two seconds or less.

"What the fuck Declan? Is it yours?"


"Are you sure you both have been broken up for a while now?"

"Yes, dad. She didn't even want to tell me. I had to force it out of her." I sigh "She's about fourteen weeks."

My dad exhales a harsh breath as he rubs the bridge of his nose. "Well, she's in her second trimester, so an abortion is probably out of the question."

My heart stops at his words. "An abortion?" I shake my head at that idea. "Dad I wouldn't ask her to do that and honestly, I wouldn't want that."

"So what do you want? How are you going to college with a baby? What about all the scouts and offers. You're just going to give all that up?"

"I'm not sure but I will work it out. I have a few thousand saved up. I know it will be hard but I can do this...we can do this." I rub my hand down my neck. "I just didn't want you blindsided so I came to tell you."

He nods. "Well, I can see you're determined. So, just like your brothers, I will help as much as I can."

I smile. "Thanks, I have to go pick her up," I say before turning and heading out the door.


Pulling up to Karma's, I get out of the car. I look over to my house and see my mom's car is still there. I walk up to Karma's door and knock. I'm a little nervous as the door swings open and I see Ms. C standing there.

"Morning Declan, I haven't seen you in a while." She turns, leaving the door open for me. "You too old to come by and see me?"

"No ma'am. You know with everything that was going on" I look around before stopping my eyes on her concerned ones. "...I didn't want to upset Karma anymore than I had."

She surveys me thoughtfully before saying, "Karma doesn't pay any bills here. You are always welcomed." I smile and nod.

"Where is Karma? I came to take her to school."

"She's back there in her room. You can go get her."

Walking to the back, I see King sitting on the edge of his bed putting on socks. "What's up," I say, saluting him.

He looks up with a surprised look on his face. "Bro what are you doing here?"

"I came to take your sister to school."

King grins and chuckles. "Good luck with that she has already been stomping around this morning." I nod before knocking on her door and then pushing it open. Walking in, I see her laying on her back. Her jeans are wide open and she only has on a bra. I can see the curve of her belly very well without a shirt.

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