Chapter 14: Declan

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We're at the end of our trip. We just left the Bob Marley Museum and is now getting on a helicopter to fly to Green Grotto Caves. Ms. C wants to see the caves.

"Bro. I don't want to see no bats," King's comments.

"I don't mind the bats. I just hope it's not dark down there," Miguel says.

I'm sitting here quietly, trying to avoid making any eye contact with Nakita. I know Karma knows something is wrong because she's very observant.

"Bro why are you so quiet?" Miguel asks me.

"Tired." Is all I say.

Last night when we were coming back from dinner I stopped at the front desk to ask for more towels. When they got my room number and ensured me they would send some up, I turned to head to my room. Walking to the elevators, I ran into Nakita.

"Hey," she said smiling up at me.

"What's up?" I asked, curious as to why she was down here.

"Ummm...I wanted to talk with you for a minute."

"About?" I ask knowing whatever it is it's not good.

She started playing with her fingers not looking at me. Making me nervous. "I like you. Like, really like you." She smiles up at me. "I've always liked you even before King and Karma moved with my grandma." She's still playing with her fingers. "I think we would be good together if you gave me a chance," she says.

Rubbing my hands down my neck I sigh. "Umm...look. I I love Karma."

"But she always saying y'all are not together."

Rolling my eyes. "Yea. I know. She just doesn't like titles."

"Well I love titles and I wouldn't mind telling everyone we're together. I'm not scared to be with you," she says stepping closer to me and rubbing her hands up my arms.

"Isn't there some type of girl code or cousin code?" I ask, stepping back from her touch.

Nakita smiles. "Declan. Karma and I are not close. I've tried being her friend," she says shrugging.


She pulls me by my shirt making me stumble forward. She wraps her arms around me and kisses me.

I pushed her back but for all about twenty seconds I did kiss her back and my dick perked up. I didn't sleep at all last night. I feel so damn guilty and I know if Karma finds out she will have no understanding.

I feel Karma grabbing my hand - pulling me out of my thoughts.

"What's wrong with you? You're over there gridding your teeth. I can hear it over all this noise the helicopter is making."

"Nothing. I'm just tired. We've been busy the whole vacation. I just want to relax on the beach on our last day."

"Ok," she says smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes. I know she knows I'm lying.


We made it back earlier but I needed some alone time so I walked down to the beach. This mess is driving me crazy. I have never put myself in a situation like this not even with Paisley.

Sitting down in the sand, I look at the crashing waves. I can feel a light breeze as I look up at the stars. I sit here for a while trying to think of a way I can tell Karma and get her to understand. Feeling defeated, I rest my face in my hands.

I'm not sure how long I sat here but after a while, I feel small hands on my shoulders. Smiling to myself, I wonder how she found me. She starts to massage my shoulders and I instantly relax at her touch.

"How you know I was out here," I ask, turning and looking up.

When my eyes land on the person behind me I jump up, and back away. "What the fuck are you doing?" I ask Nakita.

"I was sitting on the balcony and saw you walking to the beach. So I came to join you."

"Look Nakita, I love Karma and that's who I want to be with," I say rubbing my hand down my face. "I want to marry her one day."

I can see the pain that my words have caused written on her face. "But I'm better than her. I don't understand why you're doing this for her." She's standing looking up at me with her hands down at her side. She has on a halter top with a long skirt with a split up the thigh. "I'm prettier and I have a better body. She built up like a boy." I see the first tear roll down her cheek. "Owen, I would make a great wife to you. I love you and I'm not afraid to show you." She's crying now. "Let me show you."

She drops down to her knees and starts trying to pull my shorts down. "Nakita stop," I say, pushing her back with a tight grip around my shorts trying to keep them up.

"What the fuck is going on here?" I snap my head up and see King looking between me and Nakita.

"Fuck," I mumble to myself. Behind King is Karma and Miguel. I can see the anger and hurt all over Karma's face.

"Umm. I was just letting Declan know we can be together. We don't have to hide how we feel," Nakita rushes out as she gets to her feet.

I turn to her with a disbelieving look. "She is lying. She said she loved me and wanted to be with me. I told her I loved Karma," I say looking back at them. "Seriously. This is not what it looks like."

" kind of looks like she was trying to suck your dick Bro," Miguel says smiling from ear to ear.

"Shut up," King shouts.

I look at Karma "Please, believe me, it's not what it looks like. I would never touch her," I beg her with my words and eyes. "I would never betray you like that."

She steps closer to Nakita and me before looking over to Nakita. "Is this true? He hasn't touched you?"

"We kissed last night when he went to get more towels. We should be together...not you and him."

If she was a dude I would fucking punch her dumb ass in the mouth. I rub my hands down my face when everybody looks at me. "She kissed me-," that's all I could get out before Karma swings and punches me in my face. When I step to grab her arms to keep her from hitting me again. She steps back and kicks me in my balls making me drop to my knees. I look up at her trying to get my breathing under control because I literally think I'm dying.

"How could you," she yells. "I hate you."

She turns real fast swinging her hand out chopping Nikita in the center of her throat. When Nakita grabs her throat Karma swings again slapping her so hard Nakita falls on the ground. Karma then twirls around and runs up the beach.

I'm watching her run away wishing I could go after her, but I can't even get to my feet if I tried.

"Daammnnnn!! Karma fucked y'all up. She's like a mini ninja," Miguel says, trying to help Nakita up. She's trying to cry but she's still gasping for air. Her nose is bleeding all down her yellow top. "I told you to leave dude alone - that Karma was crazy, but did you listen?... Noooo. Now you're out here bleeding, can't breathe, and got my boy over there with his balls swollen and probably can't have any kids."

King is just mugging me. I'll deal with him later because he will be the easiest to deal with. One issue at a time. I stumble to my feet to go after Karma. I take a step, needing to talk with her but King grabs my arm.

"Bro, your ass needs to leave her alone." He rubs his hand over his waves. "Let her cool off."

I look back at the way she went and nod my head in understanding. He turns and walks off.

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