Chapter 16: Karma

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Rolling out of the bed, I feel drained, and my breast is so sore. I pull my phone from under my pillow and look at the calendar. My period is like clockwork; it comes every twenty-eight days. I look at my phone and see that it's been thirty-six days since my last cycle. I don't think I'm pregnant it's been a little over two months since I had sex, and I had a cycle when we came back from Jamaica. Not being able to go without knowing I decide that before school today I will go to the women's clinic and have them do a pregnancy test. I know they take walk-ins because I went with Jewel when Cliff gave her chlamydia.

I get dressed and head out to the kitchen with King and my grandmother. She keeps giving me suspicious looks when I sit down at the table.

"Are you pregnant," she blurts out.

"What the fuck," King shouts.

She reaches over and pops him in the mouth. "Watch your mouth," She warns.

My grandmother is staring at me and I'm so confused. Looking down at my stomach I don't see any changes; it's the same size. I gained like seven pounds but I've been laying around depressed too.

"What!" I finally yell out.

"Don't be whatin' me. I can see. You've picked up a little weight and your lips are a little swollen, and your nose looks to be already spreading," she says. She places a plate in front of me. "Don't think I didn't know Declan and you were having sex."

"Oh my gosh." King picks up his plate. "A man can't sit at his table and have a meal without hearing talk about sex." He walks to his room and slams the door.

My grandmother waves her hand dismissing his rant. "So are you?"

I sigh. There's no reason for lying. "I don't think so. I've had a period since the last time but I am a couple of days late."

"Well, I'll bet this house you are." She sighs. "We are going to need to make you a doctor's appointment. Then you're going to have to talk to Declan."

"Talk to Declan? Why do I need to talk with him?"

"For one you've punished the boy long enough. You and I both know that this mess is not his fault. A blind man could see what Nakita was up to." She starts wiping off the table. "...and second it's his baby you have to tell him."

I roll my eyes. "Don't be rolling your eyes at me I still will knock you out - pregnant and all."

I smile at her words. "I will make you an appointment with an OBGYN. Hopefully, they can see you within a week." She looks at me. "I know you worry about everything but we will get through this just like we've done everything else."

I nod. She walks over and kisses me on the forehead. "Talk to Declan," she says grabbing her purse and heading out the door.


King and I are sitting in the waiting room at the clinic. I know my grandmother is making me an appointment but I can't wait, I have to find out today. King decided to come with me for the free condoms or at least that's what he says.

"Karma Crosby." My name is called by the nurse standing by the door. King and I stand and walk to the back where she gives me a cup to pee in. When I come out of the bathroom King and the nurse are laughing.

"Ok let's get your weight," the nurse says. After they get my weight, they put me in a tiny examining room. King is looking down at his phone while I play all the different scenarios in my mind. I hadn't really thought much of what I was going to do after school but being a mother wasn't it.

"Knock knock," the nurse says stepping in with a doctor.

"Ok Ms. Crosby you are pregnant and based on your last menstrual cycle you're about six weeks."

King rubs his hand over his waves as he starts nervously bouncing his leg.

"Umm six weeks? That's not possible I haven't had sex since July when I was in Jamaica." I look over to King. ".. and I've had a period since then."

"Well, we can do a quick ultrasound to give you a better estimate. The nurse will bring you a bottle of water and get a room set up for you. It will be about thirty minutes but will send someone in here to get you in about forty-five minutes."

"Will I have to undress?"

"No, you will just need to pull down your underwear and panties right below your pelvic bone and pull up your shirt." I nod as they both step out. I wringing my fingers as I stand.

"That was my queue to leave. I will be out in the waiting area." He starts walking to the door but stops and looks back at me. "Can you ask for some condoms? The large ones. I can't do shit with a small." He smirks.

Rolling my eyes, I nod.


It's after lunch and I'm sitting in my sixth-period class. I can't focus on anything the teacher is saying. This year I don't have any classes with King, Jewel, or Declan. I have two classes with Miguel. We all still have lunch because all seniors share a lunch.

"Senior - I'm going to be pregnant in my senior year. How cliche is it to get pregnant by the captain of the football team." The doctor at the clinic gave me an approximate due date in April. She said I'm about ten weeks along based on the measurements from the ultrasound. When I told them my last cycle before the last time of sex it matched. I was giving prenatal vitamins, some pamphlets on what to expect, and my next appointment.

"Hey, you alright?" Phillip asks. His desk is to the right of mine. Mr. Shoemaker, our English Lit teacher, likes everyone to sit in assigned seats.

"Yes." I nod. Phillip and Nakita are still dating. He told me yesterday that they went bowling this weekend with Logan and Amber. I almost told him about that bitch but decided against it. I'll let him find out what kind of snake she is.

"You sure? You've been staring off in space since class started."

"Yea I just got a lot on my mind," I say. "Yeah, like being pregnant in twelfth grade. I can't believe I have put myself in this situation, but this is what happens when you're being careless." I'm so mad at myself. Mad that I loved a man who could cheat on me and mad that I'm going to be a single mother. "Maybe I should just get an abortion," I think to myself. That would be the practical thing to do.

The bell rings ending class. Walking out of class I see Declan standing across the hall talking to Hannah. I'm tempted to go say something but I shake my head. "None of your business." I remind myself.

"Hey, are you feeling alright you need anything?" King asks. I think he's more nervous than I am. He kept saying he didn't know what he was going to do. I had to remind him it's not his baby.

"Yes King, I'm fine and no I don't need anything."

"Ok, maybe you should go sit down somewhere. You look tired."

Rolling my eyes I wave my hand at him. "I'm going to class. I will sit in there."

"Good you do that," he replies as I chuckle.

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