Chapter 30: Declan

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Six years later

My eyes snap open and I roll to my back before stretching my arms over my head. I twist my head and stare at the empty spot of my large king-size bed. Sighing, I slowly climb out of bed and go to the bathroom. I have practice today and know I'm going to be extra tired when I have to go get on this plane today. I'm so glad my father still lets us fly on his private plane. Taking a brisk shower, I quickly dress. Today is one of those gloomy days...where you dread everything that you will have to do.

I walk down the stairs to the kitchen and find it empty. "I wonder where Zola is?" At times the empty feel and quiet of this large house is what gets to me. It brings up so many memories that I hate. I stroll over to the refrigerator and pull open the door to find my protein shake sitting right where I knew it would. Zola makes them for me every morning. "She must be at the store or something."

"Alexa, call King." I hear King's number being called from the speaker on the counter. King and I by a miracle of God got on teams after college in the same state.

"What's up, Bro?"

"Do you want a ride to the airport or are you meeting me there?"

"I will meet you there. I have a meeting with my coach, so I will just get someone to drop me off," he says. I hear a girl's laughter in the back and know he must have had company last night.

"Ok. See you later."

King has yet to meet a girl that has made him want to settle down, but as he keeps telling me - he's young and has time. Miguel on the other hand has been in several long-term relationships but still can't find the one.

Surprisingly Miguel moved away from his family to be close to King and me. Miguel did open his lawn care service and is doing well for himself. He cuts almost all our teammate's yards and has a few commercial contracts.

Drinking up my shake, I grab my gym bag and go jump in my truck. I look down at my phone and know it's too early to call. When I pull up at the stadium I see the swarm of reporters that is hanging out in front of the door.

A week ago one of my teammates got caught, on camera, kissing another teammate's wife. It's been all over the news and has caused some major issues with the team.

"Declan today is the anniversary of her death. Are you and King going back home like you do every year and if so do you think it's a good idea since the team has made it to the super bowl this year, and the game is in two weeks," One reporter asks. Keeping my head down I don't answer any questions I just head straight into the stadium.


"Bro, this is not getting easier each year, and this year is harder than ever," King says sitting in the seat across from me. We are sitting on the plane waiting for Miguel to get here.

"I know, and I'm so tired. Just getting up today and out of the bed was a chore." King nods and is quiet for a moment. We both are in deep thought thinking about her and how we miss her.

"Bro, I had this cutie over last night. She is so sweet. I think she has the potential to become Mrs. Crosby." Kings says breaking the silence.

My eyes shoot open and I look at him. "Really?"

He smiles. "She has made the list."

"You have a list?"

"Yes. I have a list. When we make it back. I'm going to get her to cook something. If she can cook like my grandma then she may make it to the top five. She's a doctor, no kids, owns her own home - she has a lot of qualities that I'm looking for in a wife."

It's All In the Game (McKinley Family Series #1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt