Chapter 6: Declan

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3 1/2 years after

"Dude we can make some easy money. All we have to do is deliver some packages for my uncle Javier," Miguel says.

I look over at King. He has a pensive look on his face.

"No corners. Just drop off or pickups," King asks Miguel.

"That's it we can make a hundred dollars apiece," Miguel says.

"What do you think, Declan?" King asks. "...because I'm not trying to go to jail. I'm going to the Pros."

I know King won't do it if I'm not on board. "I'm fine as long as Karma doesn't find out." I'm sitting on the bleachers at the gym. We're on a ten-minute break.

"Who's gonna tell her?" Miguel asks with an incredulous look. "You know we're scared of her. I still have problems with my eyes."

King starts laughing as I shake my head.

"I'm thinking I can save my money and get myself a car for our senior year. I need wheels to pick up my ladies. I can't keep asking you fools for rides," Miguel says.

My dad bought me a new Challenger for my sixteenth birthday last year, and Ms. C  gave her Buick to King and got her a new Camry. Karma still can't drive yet; I've been trying to teach her but she gets so nervous thinking she's going to wreck my car.

"Man I can't wait till this year is over. We got three more months before we are officially Seniors," King says.

I nod my head. The whistle blows and we jump up and head back to the court.

"I'll see y'all two later," Miguel says walking to the door.

"King," Phillip calls King over. We both walk over to him and Logan. "So what's up with your sister man. Why won't she give me a chance?" Phillip asks King.

I'm just standing to the side. Logan is standing to the side too. His girlfriend Amber is one of those bossy cheerleaders who no one likes.

"Bro, I don't know. Karma is mean and she doesn't tell me shit," King says. "Plus I have learned to stay out of her business."

I laugh at King because he is right. Karma is very mean. And she doesn't mind throat punching any of us. Phillip is too nice of a boy for her. She would run circles around him - if she was available. We still haven't made us official. Not my doing, Karma thinks putting any labels on what we have will ruin our friendship if it goes bad.

"Are you ladies done gossiping over there?" We look up and see everyone is in a huddle. "Or do y'all need more time to finish?" Coach asks. We shake our heads and join the group.

When practice is over. I grab my phone out of my bag. I see a text from Paisley.

Paisley: Me and a few of my friends are going to the lake. Would you like to join us?

I close the text message not responding. Paisley has not given up. You would think after all these years she would get the message.

Dad: I won't be home when you get there tonight. Elizabeth's having something at the house. If you decide not to come tonight that's cool we can do something tomorrow. Sorry for the last minute.

Me: No problem. I will just stay at home. I told Ethan I would stop by his shop.

Dad: No tattoos

I laugh. Ethan opened up a tattoo shop about a year ago. My dad gave him the money as an I'm sorry I was such a crappy dad gift. Elizabeth was furious especially after Ethan tattooed over forty percent of his entire body. He added her name as a fuck you gift. Matthew finally finished school and became a sports agent. He's at every one of Kings and my games that he can make it to.

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