Chapter 1: Declan

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13 years prior

"Mom wake up" I shake my mom again trying to wake her up from her dead like slumber. I watch her face hoping she opens her eyes. I'm starving and she's been in bed for the past two days. "Mom come on," I whisper.

Sighing I walk to the living room hoping Ms. Crosby, my neighbor from across the street, is home. I pull open the old dusty green curtains and look out of the front window.

I huff out a defeated breath. "Damn Ms. C still isn't home," l mumbled to myself when I don't see that familiar burgundy Buick sitting in the driveway across the street.

She's been gone for three days. I can normally walk over to her house and she will fix me something to eat. Ms. C knows how sad my mom gets and she tries to help my mom a lot.

Walking back to the kitchen I open the refrigerator hoping something magically has popped in there since the last time I opened the door. Swinging the door open I feel that familiar pang of hopelessness. "Nope still empty." I slam the door closed making the fridge rock a little from the force.

My stomach growls again and it's really hurting at this point. I ate the last of the cereal yesterday. There's nothing here I know how to fix. I run a frustrated hand through my hair. Walking quickly to the front door I grab my football and go outside and sit down on the small porch. I look around our quiet neighborhood. Most of the kids are at camp still. I didn't go because my mom used the money my dad gave her to get her car fixed.

Tossing my ball up in the air, I contemplate if I should call my dad. My dad wants me to come live with him, his wife, and my two half-brothers. "Maybe I should just call him," I whisper to myself. I really want to call, but if I call my dad that will only make my mom sadder.

I toss my ball up in the air several more times while sitting on the porch in this humid heat. Making the decision to go ahead and call my dad I jump up, but right at that moment, I see the familiar burgundy Buick coming down the street.

"Yes!" I shout, getting excited watching Ms. C pull up across the street.

Throwing my ball on the porch behind me I run across the street to see if she needs help with anything. When I get halfway there I come to a sudden stop. She's not alone. There are two kids with her that's about my age.

"Declan come on over here and introduce yourself and grab some of these grocery bags. I know everyone's hungry so hurry up."

I slowly make my way over. The boy is my height, but the girl is a little shorter.

"Hi, I'm Declan."

They're just standing there staring at me. My eyes flick down trying to see if I have something on my clothes, but I don't see anything.

"Go on, tell him your name." Ms. C is pulling bags out of the car. "Declan lives across the street. He comes over and eats with me almost every day." Ms. Crosby nudges the boy and then she smiles at all of us.

"Hey." The boy throws his head back. "I'm Kingston but everyone calls me King and this is Karma, my sister."

"Declan these are my grandkids and they will be living with me. You all are about the same age so y'all should get along fine. Now, come on and grab these bags."

Everyone grabs one of the plastic bags and heads into the house. When we step in I smell the familiar fresh-baked pie plugin, causing my stomach to make a loud bear-like growl as I set the bags down.

Crossing my arms in front of me, I drop my head as I feel the heat of embarrassment rise up my neck. Kingston and Karma's eyes cut over to me as they try to muffle their laughs, but it's useless - I heard.

It's All In the Game (McKinley Family Series #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora