Chapter 27: Declan

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I've just pulled up at my dad's house. I've decided to talk with him to work things out. Since everything is better with Karma - honestly I'm not as angry anymore. When I pull up I see several cars here. Parking I get out and head into the house. I walk into the front door but don't see anyone or hear anyone. I head to the kitchen and find Maria.

"Hey, Maria where is my dad?"

She turns and her face lights up. "Owen, I'm so happy to see you. Where have you been?"

"I've been with my mom more."

"Well, I've missed seeing your handsome face." She smiles as she puts what looks like some kind of fish on a tray. "Your dad is outside with the guest."

"Outside? It's cold out there," I say.

"I know Mrs. Elizabeth has heaters placed out there."

Shaking my head, I start to turn and leave but stop. "You want me to take that?" I ask, smiling because I know how much it will piss Elizabeth off if one of us served her guest.

Maria, smiling one of her knowing smiles, hands me over the tray. "Be good," She says turning back to the oven.

Walking toward the back, I get a little nervous. I'm not sure my dad is going to want to talk with me after me not accepting any of his calls. I walk through the glass doors of the den and see everyone sitting around talking but gathered mostly around the heaters.

"Declan what are you doing here?" Matthew asks, walking upholding a glass with amber liquid.

"I came to talk with dad." Matthew reaches over and takes one of whatever this is off the tray.

"I think dad is in his study. He said earlier it was too cold for this and headed into the house." Nodding I pass him the tray. "What am I going to do with this?" Matthew asks.

"Pass it around to the guest. I would but I need to talk with dad."

Matthew eyes me suspiciously before shrugging and walking over to his boyfriend and some others standing around one of the heaters.

When I make it to my dad's office I knock on the door. "Come in," I hear him call out.

Walking in, I see him watching Animal Planet on the flat screen mounted on the wall. "Declan what are you doing here?" I smile because Maria is the only person that greeted me like she actually missed me.

"I came to talk with you."

He picks up the remote and turns off the TV. "What did you need to talk with me about?"

I rub my hand down my face, as I try to think of the right words to say. "Ummm...Let's see." I inhale a deep breath. "I have been really upset with you about things I felt were your fault and things that were not. I have had time to think over things and understand now that you were trying to act in my best interest."

He leans forward on his elbows. He's sitting on the couch in his office still dressed up for the party they are having. "I believe I was thinking if I was more strict on you and not so lenient like I was with Matthew and Ethan then you would stick with the plan. Not saying that I'm disappointed in them because they are doing what they love to do. But Elizabeth always says if I was stricter with them then they may have stuck with the goals we set for them." He sighs laying back on the couch. "I knew better than to push you on Paisley. I knew that wasn't what you wanted, but I wanted you to stick with the plan. I didn't want you to lose focus on your goals."

He pinches his nose. "I was wrong and I pushed you away." He looks at me straight in the eyes. "I apologize for trying to force you to be who you are not. Force you in this fucked up world of mine."

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