Chapter 5: Declan

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"So how is football going?" My dad asks me as he drives me to his house.

"It's going great. We have our first game Tuesday." I'm laid back in the seat. I'm tired tonight. He picked me up from Ms. C's house after she picked me and King up from football practice. "Are you coming?"

"I will be there...and Ethan is coming with me."

I look over at him. "Ethan is coming?" My question is laced with confusion. Ethan, one of my older half-brothers, is in college or should be.

"Yeah. He's taking some time off from school."

Now I see, that's code for Ethan has gotten put out of school again. Ethan and Matthew are always getting into something. Ethan more than Matthew though. I overheard their mom say it was my dad's fault for bringing his bastard son around. I think It's because they are just spoiled and get away with too much.

"So what else has been going on with you? You got a girlfriend?"

This question surprises me. My dad and I talk but he has never asked me about a girlfriend. I shake my head. "No. Karma runs them off," I say laughing because it's true. For Karma to be small she has a take no shit attitude. "She thinks all these girls just want me or King because we play sports."

"She's right you know. If you go to the pros there are going to be women trying to trap you." He glances over at me. "Do you have feelings for her?"

"For who?" I ask already knowing who he is talking about.


I sit there for a minute before answering and really think about the question. I already know the truth. I know I like her, I really like her. Always have liked her. I'm just not sure how she feels about me, but I don't tell him that. I just give him a nonchalant shrug of the shoulders. "I like her. She's cool, but we're just friends." I turn and look out my window, hoping to avoid any more questions on that subject.

"Well, I think you should just focus on school and football. Let's worry about girls later."

I nod because I do agree. I don't have time for girls especially since Karma isn't giving me a real chance.

When we arrive at my dad's. The house is quiet which is normal. No one is ever here with us unless they are having some kind of get together. King was supposed to come with me for the weekend but he got in trouble, again for talking in class. So Ms. C said he can't leave the house for the whole weekend.

Walking up to my room I drop down to the queen-size bed and pull out my cell phone and call Karma. King or Karma don't have a cell phone yet so I have to call the house phone.

The phone rings twice before Ms. C answers.

"Declan you know King is in trouble." She says as soon as she picks up the phone.

I smile. "I was calling for Karma, ma'am."

She yells for Karma. "Her and Jewel are back there being too loud. I'm about to put everyone out because I'm trying to watch my shows."

"Here get this phone and quiet down back there I can't hear the TV." I hear Ms. C say talking to Karma.

"Hello," Karma says.

"What are y'all doing?"

She laughs and the sound always makes me feel happy. "The same thing we were doing when you left twenty minutes ago."

"What are you doing...Owen?" Owen is what she always calls me, and she's the only person I allow to call me that. She only calls me Declan when she's mad at something I've done.

It's All In the Game (McKinley Family Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now