Chapter 3: Declan

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It's been over two months now and it's been great having King and Karma living across the street. This has been one of the best summers ever. We start school tomorrow and I can't wait. My mom has been picking up more hours so she is hardly ever at home with me but it's okay because I've been spending even more time at Ms. C's house.

My mom and dad did agree for my dad to start getting me every other weekend now. It's still very weird going over to his house. His wife Elizabeth never really looks at or talks to me and my older half-brothers Ethan and Matthew who are 16 and 18 stay gone. They never really talk to me either.

My dad Owen Declan McKinley, who I'm named after, is much older than my mom. My mom is only 28 and my dad is 50. He told me once he met my mom at the diner she works in now, and she was the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. He said, "He hates that he hurt her so much and caused her to be so sad."

My dad works for Thurman Oil Company as the CFO, whatever that is. He lives in a big mansion on the rich side of town. With maids and a butler. It's totally different than where I live.

They're always having these parties or get-togethers that my dad's wife puts together. She doesn't work like my mom but she always seems so busy.

Elizabeth has introduced me to a few of her friend's kids but they are so different from my friends. All they do is sit around and talk about what people are wearing or what they're wearing. One of the girls in their group Paisley is always touching on me and trying to hold my hand. I try my best to avoid her at all costs.

My dad and I are always doing something together on our weekends. Last weekend he took King and me to an NBA game. We had so much fun. We had courtside seats and we even got to meet some of the players. The best part of the trip was we got to ride in my dad's private jet. Neither King nor I have ever flown before. Miguel didn't get to go because he went to Chetumal, Mexico to visit family for the last month of summer break.

Now we're just sitting on the porch waiting for Ms. C to come out of the house so we can go shopping for King and Karma some school clothes. My dad gave me a credit card to get some school supplies and anything else I may need, besides the clothes he had his assistant to drop off yesterday. She bought me so many clothes and a new laptop. We don't have the internet so I'm not sure what I can do with the laptop.

"Dude I can't wait to go to school tomorrow. I bet it's gonna be some fine girls there. My grandmother said she was taking us to the mall so I know I'm gonna be clean," King says rubbing his hand down his Bugs Bunny t-shirt. "When is Miguel coming back? I can't wait to tell him about us going to the game."

"I don't know, he should have come back yesterday. He's probably at home now," I say watching Karma. She's sitting on the back of Ms. C's car reading a book. She is always so quiet. Today she's wearing a jean skirt and tank top with flip flops. Her hair is braided in some very long skinny braids. She always smells like cocoa butter. I smile at that.

"Did your dad buy your football gear?" King asks me. He's now up dribbling his basketball. I'm still watching Karma. She never looks up at any of the cars that pass by, not even the ones with loud music.

"Yeah, he got me everything I need. Did you get your stuff?"

"My grandma talked with the coach yesterday and she's getting my shoes and socks today. He said he had extra mouth gears." I nod my head. "I can't wait for basketball tryouts though. I talked with the coach at the community center and he said he would definitely let me play."

King and I have become best friends. He's so laid back. "We should see if my grandma will take us swimming today."

"No she will not," Ms. C says, closing the door behind her. "We are not going to have time for that today. We have too much to do." She locks the door and heads to her car. We follow behind her.

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