Chapter 15: Declan

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Our summer official was over last week when school started. Karma still has not looked at or talked to me since that night in Jamaica. Everyone knew something happened because Nakita was sporting a large handprint on her face and under my eye was a large red bruise.

I made up with King that night. He had kinda figured out what Nakita was up to with the half-naked shows but he also told me he wasn't helping me win Karma back. He said if I wanted her back I would have to figure that out on my own.

I've been staying at my dad's a lot, trying to avoid the hurt I'm feeling from not having her sleep on the side of me. It's hard not being able to talk to her every day and now that I'm back at school it's even harder.

"Bro, don't forget we got a drop tomorrow," Miguel says. "King can't go. Ms. C wants his help pulling up those weeds in her backyard."

I nod my head as I watch Jewel and Karma walk into the cafeteria. Karma has her hair in a big puffball. She has on gold hoop earrings, some skinny jeans, and a t-shirt. They stop and look around trying to find a seat when Phillip walks up. I'm watching them converse when he places his hand on her back and guides her to his table. Feeling the angry rise up and choke me like vomit, I avert my eyes.

"She still hasn't talked to you?" Miguel asks.

I shake my head. "Naw. She won't even look at me. I've tried calling and texting her but I get nothing." I turn to look back where she's sitting. "Jewel won't even talk to me."

"You know Karma. She is madder at herself than she is at you. You have to give her time."

I turn away to look at Miguel. "Mad at herself for what? And I've given her a month. I just need to talk with her...explain what happened."

"She probably feels like she should have seen this coming." He shrugs. "What's been going on at your dad's?" Miguel asks, picking up the last of his fries.

"Nothing really. Elizabeth ignores me which is a plus. I think my dad and her are secretly separated."

"Well duh, bro. Your dad had a very hot sexy young chic with him on vacation. I don't think he would have brought her if he wasn't in the I don't give a fuck phase of his marriage," Miguel says around a laugh.

"I get that but it's weird. I kind of feel like it's my fault or something. I mean...I don't know." shaking my head. I look back over to Karma and see her and Phillip laughing about something.

"Bro stop looking over there you're just gonna keep on getting mad. You already know she doesn't like the dude. Karma is just being Karma... she's fucking with you." He shrugs. "Get with you somebody like.." Miguel starts looking around the cafeteria. " Hannah you know how much she hates her. Watch she'll be stomping over and checking y'all in no time."

I'm sitting contemplating his words. "That might work." I look over at her again. Phillip has his hand on her lower back. "You think that would work?"

"Yes, trust me. She will come crawling back." He starts laughing. "...or kick your ass. Either way, she'll talk to you again."

"Fuck it. I'll try anything,"

"You'll try what?" King asks, sitting down with his half eating tray.

"He's going to ask Hannah out to make Karma so jealous with love that she'll come to talk to him."

King furrows his brows "Bro you really need to stop watching those Novella's with your Abuela you're starting to sound like a girl."

"So do you think it will work," I ask?

King shrugs. "Who knows with Karma, but it also may backfire on you." Now I'm rethinking the plan. I don't want her madder than she already is.

It's All In the Game (McKinley Family Series #1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن