Chapter 18: Karma

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All the players are sitting in Jerry's Pizza, except Declan. No one said a word about the kiss we all just witnessed. I'm sitting in a corner booth with Miguel and Jewel deep in thought.

King walks back with a plate of cheese pizza and some original wings. I can't eat anything with a sauce because it gives me killer acid reflux. King places the wings in front of me.

"Thanks," I say, taking a bite of the chicken hoping it stays down. Whoever named it morning sickness needs their ass kicked because I'm sick all day and I mean all day. My grandmother has almost had to stop cooking because the aroma of food causes my mouth to water, not in a good way, and then my stomach to hurt.

"You're not going to eat any pizza?" Miguel asks. I shake my head no. The only people who know I'm pregnant are King, Jewel, my granny, and my doctor.

King has begged me every day to tell Declan and I've tried but I just can't. This secret is eating King up and I understand, Declan is his best friend, but I'm just not ready.

"I don't know why you all are trying to keep this secret from me because I already know," Miguel says staring at me.

I smirk. "I don't know what you're talking about?"

"Come on Karma. I promise I won't tell Declan."

"Boy your lips are like a sink without a stopper - can't hold water," Jewel says.

Miguel smirks at her and stands, he bends down to her ear and whispers. She pushes him back and he smirks.

"I need to take a leak," Miguel says.

"See...too much information dumb ass," Jewel says hitting his butt.

Everybody starts cheering. Looking up I see Declan walk in with Paisley. My heart picks up and I feel my hands get a little sweaty as I feel that familiar hurt from seeing him with someone else. He's moved on so fast, I've had to question his feelings for me.

"Do you want to go?" Jewel asks.

Frowning, I shake my head. "I can't leave every time he and one of his groupies come around. I might as well get used to it."

Declan walks over with Paisley following. When they stop at the table I look down at my wings.

"Bro, what took you so long?" King asks, tapping his fingers on the table.

"My dad and Matthew stopped me in the parking lot."

"So Declan where is Hannah?" Jewel asks. I look up and see he's a little flustered.

"Ummm I'm not sure," he replies, rubbing his hand down his neck which is quickly getting red.

"You sure are a busy man. You got hoes in different zip codes?" Jewel states with a snort.

"Excuse me. Who are you calling a hoe?" Paisley asks.

"The hoe standing with Declan," Jewel states. King drops his head down and shakes it from the drama he knows is about to unfold.

"Bitch you don't know me," Paisley says stepping around Declan. The white girl got a little spunk. Jewel jumps up and I slide out behind her. Jewel shoves Paisley and I grab Jewel trying to stop her from fighting this rich white girl and ending up in jail.

Paisley pushes Jewel back causing Jewel to stumble in those damn heels and knocking me down in the process.

"That's enough!" Declan shouts as King jumps up pushing everyone back trying to help me up. Declan comes over also wanting to help. I still hear Jewel and Paisley cursing each other out. Miguel is trying his best to hold onto Jewel.

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