Chapter 10: When The Past Becomes The Present

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I pushed him away. What was he doing here? Why was he back? And most of all, why was he kissing Farrah? He was supposed to be gay! Well, technically he was still gay but he probably didn't know Farrah was a guy yet. Seeing him with her made my blood boil.

"Long time no see!" He exclaimed with a smirk. There was a strange glint in his eyes and I didn't like that at all. Too many memories. "What? No 'hello'? No 'I missed you'? Anything? I'm disappointed." He said, wiping a fake tear out of his cheek. He was still the same guy; it seemed like he didn't change over the years. Well, physically at least. He seemed crueler than before and this scared me a little to be honest.

Farrah was staring at us, looking completely lost. "Wait, am I missing something? Do you know each other?" She asked, looking at him a few seconds before looking back at me. She raised an eyebrow, waiting for an explanation.

"So, he didn't tell you anything? I can't say I'm surprised. He's a coward. He never did anything good in his life. He-" He began to say, a big smile on his face and the same strange glint in his eyes that I hated more than anything.

"SHUT UP!!" She growled while staring at him, anger in her beautiful eyes. Yes, she growled. He stared at her and he seemed really surprised by her reaction.

I, on the contrary, didn't react. I was still hearing his words in my mind again and again. I couldn't believe what was happening, it felt like a nightmare but I knew that it was the sad reality I lived in. I was feeling dumb; I couldn't say or do anything. I was feeling hurt by his words of course, by the truth behind it but most of all by our past together. I couldn't understand why he couldn't leave me alone. I couldn't understand why he couldn't just forget me and live his own life. Most of all, I couldn't understand how someone could change that much. He used to be a lot nicer when we first met in high school. Unless he had always been like that but managed to hide his true face... At this moment, I just wanted to cry and drink. I wanted, no I needed to get drunk and forget everything. Alcohol was the only thing that kept me alive through this. It was the only thing that made my miserable existence bearable. And right now, I needed a drink more than anything else.

"Calm down, hey, calm down. It's alright..." Farrah whispered; a concerned look on her face. I didn't realize that I was breathing heavily until I felt her arms around me. Shakily, we moved toward a stool near the bar where I sat. She let go of my arms once she was sure I wouldn't fall. Without any surprise, he followed us and was watching us with a curious look. He was probably wondering what was happening between us.

"Is there something between you two? Friends? Oh, wait... He doesn't have friends... Slut friends' maybe?" He asked; giving us one of his best smile and you could easily see that he was trying not to laugh. This situation was just a game to him.

Before he could even react, Farrah was in front of him and slapped him, using all her strength. "I am NOT a fucking slut!! You have absolutely no rights to call me like that! I have values! You don't know me! You don't know my life!" She shouted, clenching her fists. "Also, I don't know your past with Michael, even if I might have an idea of who you are, but you have no rights to call him a slut." She added while glaring at him. Women, biological or not, could be really scary and I was glad that this anger wasn't directed toward me.

He starred at her with wide eyes for a few seconds before blinking slowly. You could see that he wasn't expecting her to react like this. He put a hand on his cheek which was now red from what he just received. "You think you're smart but I've done my researches. I know who you are Farrah, or should I call you Benoit? I don't know anymore." He said this strange glint back in his eyes before adding quickly. "I know so much about you... Only son; your father left before you were even born; unwanted child; bullied a lot during your childhood..."

I knew as soon as I saw the way Farrah paled; I knew that he was telling the truth and that I had to do something. But, to tell the truth, I was already fighting off the tears myself so what was I supposed to do? I was pathetic. "H-How do you know?" She whispered as if she lost all the energy she had a few minutes ago. She was shaking slightly but I could see that she was doing her best not to show it.

"That's my job." He smirked before turning toward me. "I didn't come here just to say hello. I actually want something." He added in a serious tone while waiting to see my reaction. It seemed like he loved seeing people suffer; his eyes were so bright and he watched all of our moves.

I frowned, not understanding. What could he want from me? I wasn't rich, hell, I didn't even have enough to pay the bills, the food and the alcohol I needed every months! I wasn't smart or good looking. I had nothing to give him, nothing! Except... No, h-he couldn't... He couldn't want that, could he? It was impossible... He had no rights...Not after everything I went through...

My body began to shake when I realized that it was the only thing he could want from me. The only thing that mattered and that I really didn't want to lose. Slowly, I met his eyes and stared at him. His smirk became stronger when he saw a tear falling on my cheek which meant that I was probably right about what he wanted. Seeing me in pain made him happy. That's why he's here... He knows I understood what he wanted. He knows it. Why? Please, no... Please... Don't tell me I'm right... Not this... Not after everything that happened... I don't know what I would do without him...

After staring at me for a few minutes without saying anything and enjoying seeing myself worry, he finally said the words I feared more than anything. "I want child's custody."


I know this chapter is a bit shorter than the others but I had to end it like that... I want to keep the suspense for the next chapter. I guess you all know who it is now, right? :)

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