Chapter 7: Friendship?

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I finally had some time to update this story! I'm happy you all seems to like it as much as I like writing it! ^_^

Also, I hope you all had a great Christmas! :)


As the place I wanted to take him wasn't really close, he offered me to take his car which I refused. I was still scared of being in a car, too many bad memories. Instead, we took the bus. Buses and cars may not be really different but, to me, it totally was. Maybe that was just because I was weird but who cared. Benoit stayed in his 'boy mode' and I still didn't know if I liked him better dressed up as a woman or as a man. Either way, he was gorgeous. We were listening to some music as none of us really knew what to say. Things were still a bit awkward and I still had to show him the most important person to me. We got out of the bus not too far from the hospital and I could see in his eyes that he didn't understand why we were there but I was thankful for the fact that he didn't ask any questions.

We entered into the building and I began to walk through the corridors I knew way too well. Benoit was walking closely behind me, a cute frown on his face. I stopped in front of a white door and closed my eyes before taking a deep breath. I felt fingers on my arm before feeling one of his hands into mine. Benoit gave me a small smile while squeezing my hand, showing me he was there to support me. I smiled back - well, tried to smile back - and opened the door.

I walked toward the bed which was in the middle of the room and sat on a chair next to the bed. Benoit did the same, still holding my hand strongly. "Benoit, t-this is my son..." I whispered as tears welled up in my eyes. "I got pregnant from my first b-boyfriend four years a-ago..." I added as a few tears escaped my eyes painfully. "He didn't accept it and a few years later Russell and I began our relationship... But he died in a car accident and my son has been in the coma since then..." I sobbed as more tears fell from my eyes.

Benoit put one of his hands on my shoulder, rubbing it in an attempt to comfort me. "H-How is it possible? I mean... Men can't be pregnant..." He asked in a soft voice. I could hear that he didn't mean to offend me by saying that; he was curious to know how it happened which was totally understandable.

I took a deep breath before answering. "I don't really know myself... The only thing I know is that we were together but then we broke up... There was this party back then... I drank way too much and when I woke up I found out that I had unprotected sex with someone... I-I didn't want to wake this person up so I left a message and went back home... A few months later, I found out I was pregnant and found out that my first boyfriend was the father of the baby... And he was the one I slept with at the party... H-He didn't accept the baby and I and he left us..." I said, stopping when things were beginning to get hard to explain. Benoit sat on my lap and took me in his arms before putting his head on my shoulder while rubbing my back. I could feel his tears falling on my shirt but I didn't care.

We stayed in this position for a long time, not wanting to move. I was happy that he accepted me the way I was and didn't think I was a freak or something. After a while, when we stopped crying, he kissed my cheek before giving me a small smile. "You shouldn't blame yourself about what happened... It wasn't your fault... You may be really young but I'm sure you're a good father, I can see it in your eyes." He said, taking my head into his small, delicate hands so I could stare at his bright blue eyes. "He will wake up one day; you just have to keep having faith." He added before giving me a small peck on the lips.

I gave him a small smile; I liked the fact that he was optimistic. And it's not like I had a choice anyway; I would never give up on my son. We stayed in this room for a few hours, Benoit was talking to Jamel, telling him stories coming up from his imagination or just telling small jokes. He was adorable and I really appreciated everything he did.

Is It Fair?! [MalePregnancy] (Sequel of "This Isn't Fair")Where stories live. Discover now