Chapter 11: Thoughts

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As soon as I heard these words, I felt like my world was crashing down. How could he? He wasn't there during my pregnancy; he wasn't there when I gave birth. He didn't raise him. He didn't even visit him! "Y-You can't! No..." I whispered, unable to speak louder. My eyes were burning as I was trying not to cry.

"I can and I will. Want to know why? I'm a detective and you're a bartender. I live in a beautiful, small and cozy house while you live in a shitty apartment. I've done a lot of researches about you. I know absolutely everything. You can do what you want, you won't win." He said with a cruel smirk as the first tears began to fall on my cheeks.

"Hey, you can't do that! You didn't even raise him and now you want child's custody? Seriously? What kind of person are you? Do you think your son's going to be happy about that? I don't think so." Farrah said with angry eyes. Her fists were clenched tightly on her side.

"I don't care. It's because of Michael that he is in a hospital bed right now. But no worries, he will leave it soon enough." He said with a strange glint in his eyes that made my blood turn cold.

"We won't let you!" Farrah told him before taking my arm. We left the building and she led me while we were walking in the streets. During the whole journey, my mind was somewhere else, thinking about all the things he could do. I came back in the real world when I heard a door being closed. That's when I realized that we were in her apartment.

She led me toward the sofa where I quickly sat down. After a few minutes of silence, I finally asked the question that filled my mind. "Why did you help me?" I asked in a whisper, feeling totally exhausted.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have acted like a dick today... I just... When I heard you saying that, I just lost my temper but then I realized that I went a bit too far... Sorry." She said with an apologetic look before adding quickly. "But seriously, I had to say something! As soon as I saw your face I knew who he was. I just couldn't let you in this situation! That's what... Friends are for, no?" She asked with a small smile but I could see a bit of sadness in her beautiful blue eyes.

"Thank you..." I whispered while giving her a small smile before hugging her tightly. She sighed and put her head on my shoulder before giving small kisses on my neck. She only stopped time to time to rub her nose softly against the crook of my neck making me shiver. "W-What do you think he's going to do?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

The kisses stopped and for a few minutes I could only feel her hot breath against my neck. "I don't know... I never met him before so I can't imagine what he's going to do... But I didn't like the way he looked at you when he spoke about your son, it was scary." She finally said before giving me one last kiss. She sat next to me and pretended to stare at her nails but I could feel her looking at me from the corner of her eyes. She sighed before getting up. "I'm going to change; Farrah is done for the night. While I take a shower and change myself, just... do what you want. Eat, watch TV, sleep, anything really." She told me with a small smile before leaving the living room.

I could hear that the shower was on and, after a few minutes, I decided to walk around the apartment a little. There were some pictures on the wall which made me curious; I hardly knew anything about his past. I walked closer and began to stare at the numerous pictures. There were a few pictures of what I think was him as a baby with his mother as well as a few pictures where he was still little, more or less five years old. In every picture, there were only him and his mother but they both seemed happy. Little Benoit was really cute, with chubby cheeks, big baby blue eyes and short light brown hair. I stared at the other pictures where he was a teenager and seemed to have experienced a lot of different hairstyle. There were pictures of him with black hair, others with blue hair and even some pictures where he had pink hair!

"Oh god... Please don't tell me you saw my embarrassing teenager's pictures that were on this wall..." Benoit groaned as he stopped next to me. He was really handsome when he had no make-up and wigs. He was only wearing a long grey shirt with no pants on. The shirt stopped just above his knees.

"The pictures where you have pink hair? I saw that and it fits you. I think it matches your personality." I answered with a small chuckle.

"Right, right. I'm just fabulous." He answered, rolling his eyes before speaking again. "So... Do you want to sleep on the bed next to me or on the couch? I promise I won't do anything. But I'm definitively not sleeping on the couch... That's not an appropriate place for a princess, you know." He added dramatically, his hands on his hips while trying not to smile.

"The bed is fine, I trust you." I answered while shaking my head a little. He always had the right words to make me feel a bit better.

We went in his bedroom where he removed his shirt leaving him in his underwear which was, well, really tight and didn't really hide anything. He was currently facing the wall and I couldn't help but stare at him. I was a bit surprised to see that he was wearing panties, especially in his boy mode. "What? Enjoying what you see?" He asked with a smirk while raising an eyebrow before going under the covers.

I shook my head, not wanting to speak and stayed in my underwear and shirt before going under the covers. He turned off the lights and I listened to his breathing, trying to fall asleep without any success. How could I sleep when the man who ruined my life was back and wanted to take my son away from me?

"Hey, you should try to sleep... Maybe it was just an empty threat just to scare you? But I will be there and I will do my best to help you, I promise. You have to relax even if it may not be really easy. But you have to sleep otherwise you might not be at the top of your form to protect him... You can even hug me if it makes you feel better." He added and I could almost hear the smile in his voice.

I rolled my eyes before hugging him. I wasn't even surprised anymore by his propositions. He was right though; I had to sleep if I wanted to keep and protect my son. It's not like he could steal him during the night... I sighed and forced my eyes to stay closed and tried not to think about anything. I couldn't be cursed my whole life... Things had to become better sooner or later... Right?


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And if you want to see a short, CUTE, video click on the external link on the right. Or here . It's a 10 seconds video but I swear it made my days and probably week. It's really fun and cute, you won't regret it.

Thanks! ^.^

Is It Fair?! [MalePregnancy] (Sequel of "This Isn't Fair")Where stories live. Discover now