Chapter 24: Casey POV

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I sighed when I heard Jamel whimpering in his bedroom. Putting my laptop on the table, I got up and made my way toward the room. Opening the door, I saw Jamel with tears in his eyes. I walked closer and took the pills which were on the nightstand next to the bed.

"Can you sit down to take your pills, please?" I asked Jamel while I was opening the bottle of water which was also on the nightstand. He nodded and sat slowly, taking the pills that I handed him. I chuckled softly while remembering Benoit's face when he learnt about the pills. He totally believed that I was drugging Jamel which made the whole situation even funnier. He was so stupid. "That's great, drink this water now. In two days, you won't need to take pills anymore." I told him with a small smile before getting up.

I put everything back at its place before leaving the room silently. Just as I was about to work again on my computer, I heard a knock on the door. "Can't a man work in peace today..." I muttered under my breath, making my way toward the front door.

My look hardened as soon as I saw who it was. "Why are you here?" I asked in a low voice, clearly not happy to see him.

"We need to talk..." Michael said in a small but firm voice. I could see the pleading look in his eyes.

"What do you want?" I asked in a bored tone while staring at him; he didn't really change during all these years.

"C-Can I enter, please? It would be better..." He asked, fidgeting under my stare.

"You better be quick and don't try anything..." I told him with a glare before stepping to the side so he could enter. I guided him toward the living room where we sat on the sofa. I loved seeing him so uncomfortable, it was extremely funny. "Speak; I still have some work to do." I added, not moving my eyes off him.

He took a deep breath before speaking. "Why are you acting like that? Even during high school you were never that mean to me... What happened to make you change that much? What did I do?" He asked questions after questions as quickly as possible.

I sighed; maybe it was time for him to learn the truth. "I never thought you would have the balls to come and talk to me, you know... Guess I was wrong." I said with a chuckle. "You're lucky; I'm in a good mood today. I'll answer three of your questions, choose wisely." I added him in a calm voice.

"Are you drugging Jamel?" He asked in a small voice, chewing his lower lip anxiously.

"So, Benoit told you what he saw and what he has done?" I asked a small smile on my lips, trying not to laugh all over it again.

"Yes, he told me everything... Answer the question... Please..." He added quickly, trying not to break the eye contact.

"Alright, alright, if you say so..." I said, letting it go for now. "And, to answer your question, no I'm not drugging Jamel. I'm only giving him the meds the doctor gave me. You can call him if you don't believe me." I answered truthfully. I wasn't the nicest person on earth but I would never drug a child.

He narrowed his eyes before opening his mouth. "I hope for you that you're not lying... Why did you, mhhh, why do you hate me?" He asked, looking at his hands.

"I don't hate you, I never did. The way I acted in high school was stupid, I know that. I just wanted to be popular and not suffer anymore even if that meant making others suffer. But I grew up and I, now, realize how childish and stupid of me it was." I answered, remembering all the times I made him cry.

"I get that people in high school make mistakes. I know that and I also made a lot of mistakes myself but what I don't understand is the way you are acting now. Why are you doing everything you can to ruin my life? Why did you take Jamel away from me?" He asked, looking at me with teary eyes.

I sighed and took a deep breath before speaking. "When I learnt you were pregnant, I freaked out. Who wouldn't? It's not every day that you see a male being pregnant... I don't know how my mother learnt about the baby but she was furious; I remember hearing her say how awful I am for not being there for him and bla-bla-bla... A-And that's when my life really changed..." I said, remembering every detail as if it happened yesterday. "My parents divorced a few months after that... Everything changed when they learnt about this baby... And this is your fault... If I knew you could end up pregnant, I wouldn't have talked to you at all." I said, glaring at him and I could see that he was trying really hard not to cry.

"I never meant to fuck your life up, you know... I'm really sorry your parents divorced because of me, I really am... But I-I just want my baby back... Please..." He said as tears began to roll down his cheeks.

"I don't really care anymore that my parents divorced..." I said, laughing a little while shaking my head. "The thing that bothers me is that the press is beginning to look into my past and Jamel won't stay a secret for long. As you probably know, I'm very well known in my profession and some people are trying to find anything to bring me down. I won't let that happen even if that means having an undesired son. But you don't need to worry, I won't hurt him I'm not that heartless." I explained, seeing the pain, hurt and anger in his eyes as I was speaking.

"So, you're going to keep him only because you don't want your reputation being tarnished? And what am I supposed to do?! Accept it and watch you and my son from far away?!" He yelled, more tears streaming down his face as he got up.

Getting up as well, I faced him. "Well, that would be great. I guess I could let you see him time to time though, if you don't try to annoy me. And do you want to know why it hurts you so bad?" I asked, continuing to speak and not letting him time to answer. "I got child's custody legally. And it was the easiest thing I've done in a while. I just had to show some proofs about your shitty apartment and your job that is badly paid. And when you lost your apartment things were even easier." I told him with a chuckle; his reactions were still funny at least.

"But I have another apartment, I live with Benoit now!" He shouted and I could see him clenching his fists.

"But there's nothing official and before meeting him you were also an alcoholic. I've done my researches, you won't win." I said with a smirk.

"Believe me, I will! We will find something one day and we will take Jamel back." He said, wiping his eyes which was pointless as he was still crying.

"You may want to know that I fucked Benoit. God, he was so loud and tight..." I said, remembering that moment.

"Y-You're lying... He would never do that." He said, trying to act like he didn't believe me but I could see the doubt appearing in his eyes.

"You might want to have a conversation with him. Now, I would like to continue my work and spend time with my son so, please, leave before I call the police." I said with a polite smile while walking toward the front door. I opened the door and waited until he left. Today was definitively funnier than I thought it would be. 


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! What did you think about this chapter from Casey's POV? And what do you think is going to happen now?

Picture of Michael ~~~>

Btw, it would make me really happy if you could check out my new story called "Broken Hearts" (here's the link if you want but you can easily find it on my profile https://www

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Btw, it would make me really happy if you could check out my new story called "Broken Hearts" (here's the link if you want but you can easily find it on my profile it would really make my day.

Thank you for reading, I will try to update soon! xxx :)

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