Chapter 3: Confidences

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Thank you for reading this sequel! I hope you will enjoy this chapter!


I stepped in front of the cemetery and took a deep breath before continuing to walk toward my destination. I tried to push the memories away as I was walking closer and closer to the grave of a very familiar person. The cemetery was totally empty which was just perfect for me and I could feel the cold wind all around me which made me miss my jacket. Once in front of the grave, I stopped and closed my eyes for a few seconds, it was harder than I thought.

I opened my eyes a few minutes later, tears already threatening to fall and sat in front of the cold, grey grave. I stared at it a few seconds, refusing to believe the cold and horrible truth. Russell's grave, my ex-boyfriend's grave was just in front of me; the last time I saw it was a few days after the accident and it was one of the worst days in my life. Believe me; nobody wants to lose the people they love.

"Hey Russell... I'm sorry I didn't come sooner; I really am... It's just so hard to see you like this; you didn't deserve to die like that... We may have had some problems in high school but we were young and stupid. We grew up and ended up together... I loved you and I still love you, it hurts... I-I also wanted to tell you thank you for saving Jamel, my baby... You knew both of you couldn't be saved and you still saved him... Thank you; you can't imagine how grateful I am for that... Jamel is in a coma since the accident, the doctors don't know if he will ever wake up but I want to believe that, one day, he will... Yeah... I-I'm sorry for everything..." I trailed off, putting the flowers on his grave.

I couldn't see what was happening around me anymore, the tears and the pain were too much for me to handle. I put my hands in front of my eyes and sobbed harder and harder. Why can't I be happy? When I raised up my head, I looked at the sky and realized I've been crying for hours. I wiped my eyes and looked around me. The cemetery was still empty except for one person, a few meters away. From where I was, I could only see his back but I couldn't stop staring at him, he seemed familiar.

As if this person knew I was staring at his back, he turned around and that's when I recognized him. He was the waiter from the coffee shop! I also knew I saw him somewhere else before the coffee shop but I couldn't figure where it was. How could I forget theses blue eyes? I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't even see that the waiter was, now, standing next to me and was staring at me curiously. Oh my... I don't even want to know what he's thinking about me.... I must look horrible, dressed like that and with red puffy eyes...

"Hey Michael. I didn't know I would see you there." The waiter said in a gentle, smooth voice. I knew this voice, I already heard it somewhere... How did he know my name?! I remembered perfectly what happened in the coffee shop and I didn't tell him my name... Was he stalking me or something? Please, not another crazy person in my life...

"How do you know my name?" I asked suspiciously. I already had enough problems like that; I didn't need a crazy stalker at the top of that. No, thanks. Someone else can have him; I don't need stalkers in my life.

"I'm not stalking you, if that's what you are thinking." He answered, laughing a little. I had to admit, he was really cute when he was laughing. "You may not remember me or maybe you just didn't recognize me... Anyway, I'm Benoit." He said, giving me a toothy smile. He was really cute, especially when he was smiling. He had this kind of boyish look but you could tell he had a lot of experience by the look in his eyes. He must have suffered a lot in his life. And, he obviously seemed to know something that I didn't know... Why didn't he want to tell me where we met? Did he have something to hide?

"Alright...." I trailed off, looking everywhere but him while I was passing a hand through my hair nervously. "Why are you there?" I finally asked after a few minutes of awkward silence.

He passed his tongue on his lips, seeming lost in his thoughts before finally meeting my eyes. "... I-I visited my cousin; he was a bit like my big brother, before everything... He died two years ago and I never had the chance to explain him some things... I usually visit his grave twice a week..." He mumbled; a sad look in his eyes. I was right then, he suffered a lot in his life. That would explain the maturity in his eyes.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." I said; frowning and feeling bad for bringing bad memories; I didn't even know what to say in a situation like that. I felt awful. Should I tell him why I was there? Should I tell him some information like he just did? I thought about it a few minutes before answering. "I'm here to visit my ex-boyfriend's grave..." I finally murmured, hating how my voice sounded weak and vulnerable.

He gave me a sympathetic smile before hugging me as strongly as possible. I think that we both needed it at the moment. And, it's been a while since I've been in the arms of someone; especially of someone who really understood my pain. I pulled back and wiped my eyes quickly. He did the same and extended one of his hands; I took his hand into mine and got up.

"Thanks." I whispered, giving him a small smile. He smiled back and we walked out of the cemetery. I looked at Benoit from the corner of my eyes and began to think. I met him not too long ago and he already seems to understand me like nobody else did theses past months. Maybe I could tell him my past, one day... And one day I may introduce him my son. He seems like an amazing person.

"Well, I was happy to see you Michael. We may see each other sooner than you think. Bye." He said in a mysterious tone, winking at me before walking away.

What did he meant by 'sooner than you think'? Did he really believe I was going to eat something to the coffee shop tomorrow? Or maybe he will just come to the bar tonight? I never told him where I work... I thought, frowning a little. This guy was way too mysterious for me; why couldn't he just tell me where we met for the first time and when we will see each other again?

I sighed, I shouldn't think too much about it. I knew nothing about this guy, he could be a murderer or a pervert and I wouldn't know. I should be more careful before giving my trust to a stranger. It's not like I never had bad experiences in life... Especially when someone seemed way too nice and way too perfect. With that in mind, I began to walk toward the bar as I had to work in less than one hour. Times flies when you're in good company.

I couldn't help but feel bad. How could I enjoy someone's company, especially the company of a man, when I just lost the man I loved a few months ago? I shouldn't get close to him; I will only get hurt at the end. Everybody I knew hurt me one way or another. First, there was Casey, my first love, and Russell obviously when he was still young and stupid; then my father when he left because of my pregnancy. And Jamel, my baby, even if I'm sure he didn't want to hurt me; at the end he did because he's now in this stupid coma and I'm not even sure if I will be able to hold him in my arms again one day. Of course, even if I'm not proud of it, I also hurt some people in the process; like my mother and my sister. They were always there for me, even when my life was falling apart. But I knew I wasn't strong enough to see them at the moment, not when I could only think about Jamel when I was with them. But, one day, I promise I would see them again and try to repair the past. I just hope they will forgive me...

I stopped thinking when I entered into the bar; it was going to be a long, long night!


Here's a picture of Benoit ~~~>

Thanks for reading/voting/commenting! And I will try to update this story sooner this time!

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Thanks for reading/voting/commenting! And I will try to update this story sooner this time!

Is It Fair?! [MalePregnancy] (Sequel of "This Isn't Fair")Where stories live. Discover now