Chapter 2: Strange Meeting

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The night went on slowly, and the customers disappeared progressively. I was washing some crystal glasses when I heard the particular noises of the stools. I looked up and saw a very attractive woman. She seemed into her mid-twenties, she was tall but not too much, she had a slim body and she had a slightly tan skin. She had long blonde-dark brown hair in a braid and the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. She had a gold star on her left eyes made with some make up and was dressed in a very short and sexy black dress which made a great contrast with the color of her skin.

I blinked and stared at her while she sat on the stool gracefully. I didn't know why I was so attracted to this person, especially a girl, but I knew she was special. I didn't know why yet, but I was ready to find it out. The strange girl smiled to me before speaking. "Could I have one shot of tequila, please?" She asked in a smooth voice.

I nodded and quickly made her drink before giving it to her with a gentle smile. As there weren't a lot of customers, I would be able to speak with this woman and I was happy about that. "So, are you new in this town? I never saw you there before." I said while I was washing the counter.

"No, well, yes... It's complicated. I've lived here when I was a child then, I left the town to live with my boyfriend but we kind of broke up so... Here I am." She answered with a smile before drinking a big gulp of alcohol. "I'm Farrah, by the way. Nice to meet you." She said, giving me her hand and waiting for me to shake it. I took her hand into mine and was surprised by her strength, I know I wasn't muscular but I didn't know a girl could have the same strength as me! It was almost a masculine grip, almost.

"I'm Michael. Nice to meet you." I answered with a smile. This person was definitively different and fascinating. I wanted, no, I needed to know more about this person. I looked at the clock which was on the wall behind me and saw that it was almost the time to leave as the bar was closing in less than twenty minutes. "The bar is closing in less than twenty minutes... Maybe we... Maybe we could hang out somewhere, if you want. Just to speak and get to know each other." I said, praying for a positive answer. I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep without any nightmares and I knew I would end up completely drunk, as always, so staying awake was better than that.

To my happiness, she agreed and waited for me to finish my shift. Once the bar was closed, I left; Farrah was walking next to me, telling small jokes time to time. We walked toward a park, which was totally empty as it was about 5a.m. We walked in this peaceful park, in a comfortable silence before sitting on a bench. "I can see in your eyes that you had a hard past and you suffered a lot. I don't know you yet but if you need to speak I'm here." Farrah said, giving me a comforting smile while I was trying to ignore the lump in my throat.

After a minute of silence, I managed to speak. "Thank you... I'm not ready to speak about it, at least not right now. But I can tell you something; appearances can be deceiving." I mumbled, not looking at her. I didn't want to see in her eyes if she understood what I meant or not.

"I totally understand, more than you think. Maybe I will tell you my secrets, one day." She said in a mysterious tone. I smiled; this woman was definitively strange but really interesting. I couldn't wait to know more about her, as a friend of course. "Well, Michael, I had a great time and I'm happy I met you but I need my beauty sleep. I may come to the bar tonight, though. Bye." She said, giving me a quick peck on the lips before walking away without another glance. I frowned; this woman was definitively something else.

I walked back home, taking my time. When I got home it was almost 7a.m which means I didn't have a lot of time to sleep but I didn't mind. I undressed myself until I was in my grey underwear and went under the cover. Closing my eyes, I silently prayed for a night without nightmares...

I was woken up by my alarm clock which means it was already noon. Groaning, I turned it off before getting up slowly. I hardly slept until noon; I was always woken up way before with a nightmare. I was happy; it was the first time I was able to sleep like a baby without drinking alcohol. Wow, I should mark the day on the calendar to remember this special day... But I don't have a calendar.

I took a quick, cold shower before dressing myself nicely. For the first time since the accident, I wasn't feeling like shit, I wasn't feeling like a bad parent or like a failure, no, I was feeling normal. Not amazing but normal and it felt great. Then, I made my way toward the kitchen and looked for something to eat... Sadly, there were only bottles of alcohol. When was the last time I ate something? I think I ate some cereals last Monday which was about one week ago, but I wasn't sure about it. Thinking about the last time I ate made my stomach hurt and growl so loud that I think the whole building heard it.

Sighing, I began to search for some money all around the small apartment. I was sure I still had enough money, somewhere, to buy me a breakfast. "Finally!" I exclaimed as I found some coins. I put the money in my pocket before going out. I walked to the nearest coffee shop which was down the street and I entered into the building, sniffing the great smell of coffee and fresh bread. It had been a while since I went into a coffee shop. I sat on a free table near the door and looked at the menu.

A few minutes later, a young waiter walked toward me. He had mid-long blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. He was definitively good looking. But he seemed familiar... I ordered some pancakes and a cup of coffee and watched the waiter as he left toward the kitchens. He came back a few minutes later with my breakfast and a cup of coffee and put it on the table, leaving and giving me one last smile.

I began to eat, enjoying the great taste of pancakes; it's been a while since I ate something and something delicious on top of that. Once I was done with my pancakes, I began to drink my coffee; enjoying the strong but sweet taste of it. I knew I wouldn't eat that much for a while, I couldn't afford to buy all the alcohol I needed and meals every day.

Once I was done, the cute waiter came back and I paid him before leaving the coffee shop. Today, I was going to do something I should have done since the accident, months ago. With that in mind, I began to walk toward my final destination, buying a beautiful bunch of red roses in a shop which was on my way with the rest of the money I had. I needed to end this; even if I knew it would be painful I needed to do that. Even if it may kill me inside and out.


Sorry  for not updating this story sooner; this chapter was almost ready, I just had to re-read it and re-write a few things before posting it but I was a bit busy during the last few days...

Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter! What do you think about this sequel? And what do you think about Farrah? Any thoughts? 



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Is It Fair?! [MalePregnancy] (Sequel of "This Isn't Fair")Where stories live. Discover now