Chapter 27: Family Time?

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I was woken up by the delicious smell of food which made me open my eyes with a groan. I got up with a groan and made my way toward the kitchen, the smell getting stronger at every step.

"Mmhh, it smells good... What are you doing?" I asked, hugging Benoit from behind before putting some kisses on his neck.

"I'm almost done... I made bacon and eggs and also some chocolate pancakes!" He said in a small voice as he shuddered. He was only wearing a white shirt which was way too big for him and was stopping just above his knees.

"All this? Wow, that's a lot..." I murmured with wide eyes. "Any particular reason?" I narrowed my eyes at him while he looked at me with an innocent smile which made me even more suspicious.

"Nope..." He answered way too quickly to be believable. I raised an eyebrow while continuing to stare at him. "Alright, I might have something to ask you but it's nothing much I promise..." He answered with a sigh before giving me another small smile.

We sat around the kitchen table and I quickly took a bite of a chocolate pancake which made me close my eyes as I tried not to make any noises; it was delicious. He honestly was such a good cook. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I finally asked before taking a mouthful of eggs.

"Well... I was thinking about the wedding and... Maybe you should invite your family..." He replied in a small voice, nibbling nervously on a piece of bacon as he was waiting to see my reaction.

My eyes grew wide as soon as I heard his voice and my hands began to shake. "W-What? Yo-You're crazy!" I said in a - I hoped - strong voice.

"Why? Getting married is supposed to be one of the best days of your life..." He answered a small frown on his face.

"I know but... It's not easy. I haven't seen them since... Since it happened..." I answered with glassy eyes. Did I want to see my family again? Yes, of course. Was I ready to see them again? I wasn't so sure.

"Maybe it's time to make the first step... It would be for a great reason and I'm sure they would be relieved to hear from you again..." He said, biting his lips nervously as he was waiting for me to answer.

"You know... I've stopped speaking to them after the accident because I believed I was cursed or something like that... I didn't want something to happen to them but now... How am I supposed to come back after all that time?" I asked in a small voice while looking at him.

"Just tell them the truth... I'm sure they will understand... I wish I could invite my family..." He answered with a small, sad smile.

"What happened? You never talk about them..." I asked, taking his hand into mine.

"They don't really like the way I am if you know what I mean... And th-the only person who really supported me passed away so..." He trailed off while looking in front of him. I could see his eyes shining and I knew he was trying not to cry.

I kissed his cheek before taking him in my arms. "What do you think about going to visit them? I mean... My family..." I told him without really thinking.

"You would?" Benoit asked evident surprise in his voice.

"If you come with me, I would... It won't be easy and I'm still scared something will happen but you may be right... This could be the perfect occasion to do the first step..." I answered in a small voice while trying to ignore the strange feeling in my stomach. I couldn't determine if it was from the pregnancy or from the stress. Knowing myself, it was probably both.

Benoit didn't answer but the smile on his face was worth thousands of words. "Let's get ready then!" He exclaimed, joy in his voice as he took my hand and led me to the bedroom so we could get dressed.

Once we were ready, we took a cab. As we got closer, I couldn't help but feel the growing feeling of nervousness about the fact that I was about to see my family again after months of avoiding them. The fact that I was nervous in cars didn't help as well as my current pregnancy; I was feeling totally sick. Benoit was drawing invisible patterns on the back on my hand to try to calm me and, even if it failed to calm me this time, I was glad to have him in my life.

When the cab stopped, I almost forgot how to breathe until I felt soft lips on my cheek. We paid the driver after thanking him and we got out of the car. I stopped in front of the door, Benoit next to me and still holding my hand. I didn't know what to do. Should I knock or did I still have the right to enter as I wanted?

Benoit must have understood what I was thinking and knocked on the door, not letting me the chance to back away. I looked at him with wide eyes, fear coursing through my body. I was about to tell him how bad the idea may be but never had time to form a sentence as I heard the door being opened.

I heard a gasp and was soon pulled into a tight hug which made it difficult to breathe. Trying to relax myself, I closed my eyes and hugged the person back. I instantly recognized my mom and hearing her sobs made me feel guilty about everything that happened during the past few months. I should have visited them or at least call them.

"Oh my... I can't believe you're back..." She whispered in a shaky voice as she gently caressed my cheek as if she wanted a proof that I was real.

After one last hug, she turned her gaze toward Benoit and it was easy to see the confusion into her eyes. "Hello ma'am, I'm Benoit. I'm Michael's fiancé." He said with a smile while looking at my mom.

She turned her head toward me and I could see that she was having trouble understanding the situation. "Mom... I-I have so many things to tell you... Could we... Could we enter?" I asked in a whisper, afraid that my voice would break if I tried to speak any louder.

She only nodded and stepped aside and then led us toward the living room. There were so many things I had to tell her and probably as much questions I would have to answer that it scared me...


What did you think about this chapter? I hope you enjoyed it! I'm sorry it took so long to update... :/

How do you think the meeting is going to go?

Oh, and here are how Benoit and Michael looked in today's chapter!


Michael (without the dog, of course ahah):

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Michael (without the dog, of course ahah):

I'm so happy it's now possible to add pictures/videos into the chapter! It's so much easier! :)

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I'm so happy it's now possible to add pictures/videos into the chapter! It's so much easier! :)

Thanks for all the nice comments on my stories ♥

Is It Fair?! [MalePregnancy] (Sequel of "This Isn't Fair")Where stories live. Discover now