Chapter 29: Echography

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Waking up with Benoit in my arms was a great feeling. I kissed his forehead and began to shake him gently. He groaned, burying his head into my chest, not wanting to wake up. "You have to wake up... We have things to do today, did you forget already?" I whispered into his ear before kissing his cheek.

Slowly, he opened his eyes and looked at me and you could easily see that he was still tired. "Why are you waking me up so early in the morning? You know I need my beauty sleep and, after the night we spent, I definitively need to sleep!" He groaned, letting his head fall back on the pillow which made me laugh.

"I know how much you love your beauty sleep but we have the first echography today... Unless you want me to go alone?" I said with a small smile, already knowing his answer.

"Wha-No! Give me a few minutes..." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes and I could see how tired he really was.

After a few minutes, he got up and went to the bathroom to take a shower and to get ready. While he was preparing himself, I decided to make some bacon and eggs as I was really hungry and I was sure Benoit was too. I smiled as soon as I saw him enter the kitchen; even when he was tired he was still looking gorgeous. Today, he was wearing a black skinny jeans and a black shirt with a white skull on it.

"Hey... I made some bacon and eggs." I told him, giving him a plate full of food.

He took it, kissing me softly as a thank you before sitting down on a chair in front of the table. I joined him and we began to eat in a peaceful silence.

"So, when are you going to tell your mother that you're pregnant?" He asked, taking another bite of his food.

"I don't really know yet... After the wedding would be great, I think..." I answered, not really knowing what to say. I didn't know how to announce her that I was, once again, pregnant. But I knew that I didn't want her to think that I was marrying Benoit because of that baby.

"Oh, alright." He said with a soft smile. "Do you think we will be able to know the gender of the baby?" He suddenly asked me while looking at me with curious eyes. You could see that all of this was new to him and he really wanted to learn.

"I don't think so... We're mostly going to see if everything's alright and how far along I am exactly." I answered truthfully to which he only nodded as an answer.

Once we were done eating, we left the apartment and we took a cab. The whole ride was made in silence, too lost in our own thoughts to say something. During the travel, I couldn't help but think about my very first echography and how scared but happy I felt at that moment. Then, my thoughts drifted toward Jamel. How was he now? What if it was already too late when, and if, we get him back? These thoughts were insupportable and made me want to scream.

My thoughts were interrupted by the feeling of Benoit's hand on my arm. "Are you alright? You're a little white..." He said, worry in his voice. "We just arrived by the way." He added as he took his purse from his bag and paid the driver.

We got out and went into the building. There was only one person before us so, hopefully, we wouldn't have to wait for too long. We waited in a peaceful silence, Benoit's hand not leaving mine until my name was called. I let Benoit's hand go and got up. I smiled at the middle-aged woman which was next to the door and entered into the room soon followed by Benoit. The woman, then, closed the door behind us.

"So, I've been told about your... Condition... And you don't have to worry, what's happening here will stay a secret." She told us with a gentle smile as I took place on the table. "It's going to be a little cold but no need to worry. In a few minutes, you should be able to see your baby on the screen." She told us and I shivered from the cold. It's been so long since my last echography...

Is It Fair?! [MalePregnancy] (Sequel of "This Isn't Fair")Where stories live. Discover now