Chapter 32: The Big Day

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I took a deep breath as I fixed my tie for the last time.

"Are you ready?" My mother asked in a gentle voice while standing in front of the door of my hotel room. I smiled at her and nodded before making my way toward her. She was wearing a long red, simple red dress which made her look amazing. The hotel was just next to the venue where we were going to get married which was just perfect.

We both left the hotel and made our way toward the venue where the guests - which was basically my sister and her current boyfriend - were already waiting. I walked down the aisle, smiling at them and stopped when I was under the wedding arch. I listened to the soft music which was playing while waiting for Benoit, or should I say, Farrah to arrive.

My heart began to beat faster when I saw Farrah arrive. The guests clapped their hands while she was walking down the aisle. I smiled at her, she was truly gorgeous and I still couldn't believe how lucky I was. She stopped walking once she was in front of me and smiled a slight blush on her cheeks. I could see in her eyes that she was nervous which wasn't a problem as I was nervous too.

There were a few minutes of silence where you could hear the sound of the sea which made the whole moment even more beautiful and surreal. The male celebrant - a sixty years old man with short grey hair - began to speak. "We are gathered here today to join these two lives together. Michael, do you want to start saying your vows?"

I nodded and took a deep breath, suddenly feeling even more nervous. "Our wedding may have been organized quickly because you wanted to help me get my son back but I want to be sure that you know that it's not only because of that. The main reason why I want to marry you is because you helped me get back on the right path. You made me a better man and you showed me that I'm still able to love someone even after everything that happened. You showed me that I could be strong and that I deserved to have nice things. I don't know what I would do without you..." I said, stopping a few seconds as I felt my eyes getting wet and seeing Farrah with tears in her eyes didn't help. "I love you so much and I wouldn't want to spend the rest of my life with another person."

A tear leaked down Farrah's cheek and I reached out a hand to wipe it away. She smiled at me gratefully and took one of my hands, squeezing it gently. I then took the ring that my sister handed me and I put it on Farrah's fingers.

"Now, Farrah, would you please say your vows?" The celebrant asked, making Farrah nod slightly.

"You always thank me because of all the things that I do to help you but, in reality, I should be the one thanking you. You've always accepted who I was with an open mind without judging me and I really appreciate that. You also made me a better person and I couldn't be happier to get married with you. I also want you to know that I will always do my best to help you and our family no matter what the situation is." She said in a trembling voice while looking at me right in the eyes. I couldn't help the tears leaking down my eyes, knowing exactly what and who she was talking about. "I love you so much... And I really suck at making speeches..." She ended saying which made the guests laugh slightly.

She then took the other ring and put it on my finger. The celebrant began to speak again: "Michael Penniman, do you want to take Farrah - or should I say Benoit - Clayton to be your lawful wedded husband?"

I smiled before answering. "I do."

"And you, Benoit Clayton, do you want to take Michael Penniman to be your lawful wedded husband?" The celebrant asked to Farrah while looking at her.

"I do." She whispered, tears running down her cheeks but with a happy smile on her face.

"Then, I now pronounce you legally married. You may now kiss your husband." He said, finishing with a sincere smile.

We both took a step forward and pressed our lips together. I pulled her even closer without breaking the kiss, enjoying the moment. We broke apart a few seconds later and I pecked her lips one last time. I couldn't believe we were finally married.

I then looked at the guests, my mother, my sister and her boyfriend, they were all clapping their hands and my mother and my sister were crying slightly.

"Now, let's go eat!" My sister, Yasmine, said making us all laugh.

"I wish Jamel would be there to make this day 100% perfect..." I said softly so only Farrah could hear me.

"I know... I wish he was there too... But, think positively. He will be there with us soon now. And then, nothing or no one will take him away from us." She said with a small smile while holding my hand. "Are you ready to tell them the news or are you stressed about it?"

"A little stressed but it's okay, no worries!" I said with a smile before kissing her forehead. Nothing would ruin this day; I would make sure of it.

We all made our way toward the table where the dinner was going to happen. I waited for all of them to be seated before beginning to speak. I wanted to tell them the news right away so we could continue to enjoy this beautiful day.

"I would like to say something before we eat..." I said, looking at their confused face a few seconds before continuing to speak. ".... I'm pregnant..." I said slowly and waited for their reaction.

It took them a few seconds to react and my mother was the first one realizing what I just said. "What?! From Benoit?!" She gasped while looking at me with wide eyes.

"Of course, it's from Benoit... Who could it be from?" I asked with a confused frown.

"Well, you never know... You kind of used to be a whore when you were a teen." My sister pointed out which made me glare at her. I didn't need her to remind me of my past. I wasn't proud of it and would love to forget those years.

My mother slapped her arm slightly without breaking the eye contact with me. "Please, tell me that you're not getting married because of this baby?" She asked with concerned and suspicious eyes.

I could also feel Farrah's eyes on me, waiting for me to answer. "No, we're not getting married because of that. Now, can we continue to enjoy the rest of the day and begin to eat?" I asked with a smile while looking at everyone around the table.

They all smiled back and we began to eat. I could see that they had a few more questions but didn't want to ruin this day. It went better than I expected...


I'm really sorry for not updating for SO long! I never meant for this to happen. I just had a lot of problems: I got really sick, I then had some family problems and now school has started again...

I can't promise when I will update again but I will try to write when I have some free time. I promise I will finish this story even if it takes some time between the chapters.

Thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoyed this chapter xx

Is It Fair?! [MalePregnancy] (Sequel of "This Isn't Fair")Where stories live. Discover now