Chapter 25: Life Is Changing

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I made my way back home as quickly as possible as I was trying to stop the tears which didn't really work. Seeing Casey was such a bad idea... This guy was bad news and it would have been better to stay away from him as much as possible. And what he said about Benoit... Could it be true? Would he really do that behind my back? As much as I trusted Benoit, I couldn't remove the doubt out of my head. I did notice how strange he was acting the other day. I also had a hard time believing that Casey would let Benoit see my son without anything else in return. I was back at the apartment before I realized it. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes before opening the door. Benoit was sitting on the sofa and got up as soon as he saw me, worry and relief in his eyes.

"Is everything alright? Why are you crying?" He asked while making his way toward me.

"I-I... I need to get Jamel back..." I whispered, suddenly feeling exhausted.

"What happened?" He asked in a worried tone while looking at me in the eyes.

"He only cares about his career and himself and I just... It kills me..." I said in a low tone and closed eyes.

"You look exhausted... Come here..." He murmured in a soft voice while leading me toward the sofa.

I sat with a sigh, looking at Benoit who sat next to me. Even if it was only the beginning yet, I forgot how exhausting being pregnant could be. "Casey told me that you slept with him the last time you saw him... Is it true?" I asked in a low voice, breaking the silence; I even was too tired to fight.

"Wh-He told you that?!" He asked in a panicked voice and widening eyes.

"...Oh..." I murmured and looked at my lap when I realized that Casey told me the truth. I felt a wave of nausea hit me which only reminded me of my current situation.

"I-I'm sorry... I never wanted to sleep with him, I swear... He said that it was the only way I could see Jamel... I-I wanted to see how he was; I wanted to help you... I didn't want to and I didn't enjoy it... I-I know it's probably too late to explain things now b-but..." He rambled, trying to explain the situation as quickly as he could while tears welled up his eyes.

"I'm not stupid. As soon as you told me that you were able to see him, I knew that he asked something in return... I just didn't think it would be that... I-I'm not even mad... I'm disappointed..." I said, rubbing my stomach while looking at my lap. I couldn't stand the look of sadness and shame that he was currently giving me.

"You can't imagine how much I hated and still hate myself for that... I-I never felt so strongly about someone and I just wanted to help you...But I shouldn't have done that..." He whispered, wiping his eyes.

"I know... But you know what? I can't hate you, I can't even be angry with you... At this point, I just want to get Jamel back and never see Casey again..." I murmured with closed eyes. I hated this conversation and just wanted to move on already. Nothing he said could change the past.

"I may have an idea..." Benoit said in a small voice, biting his lips and looking at me from the corner of his eyes.

"Really? What is it?" I asked, finally looking at him in the eyes.

"Well... You legally don't have an apartment and didn't Casey say something about your job?" He asked to which I only nodded, curious to know what he was thinking about. "We should get married." He said a strange light in his eyes that I couldn't identify.

"W-What?!" I asked with wide eyes, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"You would legally move in, and we could fight for Jamel's custody by saying that we have two salaries now! It could work, no?" He asked his eyes on me as he was waiting for an answer.

"T-That may work..." I said slowly, trying to fully understand what he was saying.

"So... We're getting married?" Benoit asked in a small voice with shining eyes.

"I-I guess so..." I said while looking at him with wide eyes, not fully believing what I was saying.

"YAY!!" He screamed while throwing his arms around me and climbing on his lap while still being careful not to hurt my stomach. I smiled a little at his enthusiasm and wrapped my arm around him. When I met him, I never imagined that I would fall for him. Could I see us married? I looked at him in the eyes and smiled again when I saw how happy he was. Definitively. I locked our lips together for a gentle and sweet kiss before pulling away. "Are you really not mad at me for... You know what?" He asked in a small voice while chewing his bottom lip nervously.

"I told you... I'm really not happy about that but I'm not going to leave you or something like that... That's what he expected..." I told him in a small voice before kissing his cheek.

"Thank you, I'm really lucky to have you." He whispered with teary eyes. "We will organize a real wedding, right? We're not just going to sign some papers?" He asked a small frown on his face.

"You want a real wedding?" I asked, thinking that signing official papers would have been enough, for now at least.

"Not something big, just something with family and friends at a church... That would be great, but only if you want to!" He added quickly while looking at me right in the eyes.

"If that's what you want, why not. But we really have to organize it as soon as possible." I answered, with a small smile. "And yes, you can dress as Farrah if you want." I said before he had the time to ask this question.

He hugged me tightly while kissing my neck and thanking me between every kisses. "We should begin to search for a place and everything! The sooner we find what we need, the sooner we will be married and we will be able to get your son back!" He said, excitement in his voice.

I nodded and followed him; we still had so many things to do... But the future did seem brighter already...


I know that this chapter is smaller than the other but there is a reason for that. I also wanted to say that this story is slowly coming to an end... Anyway, what did you think about this chapter? What do you think about their decision? 

Picture of Benoit ~~>

Picture of Benoit ~~>

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Is It Fair?! [MalePregnancy] (Sequel of "This Isn't Fair")Where stories live. Discover now