Chapter 16: Hospital... Again

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"Hello sir, it's the hospital. We're sorry to disturb you... We know that you're not legally responsible of your son but we thought that you would like to know what happened a few minutes ago..."

"What happened? Is he okay?" I asked in a panicked tone. Why would they call me when I gave the child's custody to Casey? I really hoped it wasn't something serious.

"Well... You should come over, we're not sure you will be allowed to enter the room as the.... mmhh... father is there but it would be easier to explain everything..." The person explained in a calm and professional voice but I could hear something more in it which just made me stress even more.

After thanking this person, I quickly ended the call and told everything to Benoit as he was looking at me with furrowed brows. He was also now wearing a bathrobe. "My shooting is over... I just need to get dressed and remove my make-up and I can take you to the hospital, alright?" He asked but didn't wait for my answer as he quickly left the room.

I took a deep breath and waited for him to come back; it wasn't like I had another choice anyway. Luckily for me, he came back more or less ten minutes after; I thought I was going to die of anxiety. He gave me a small but kind of sad smile and we left the building after thanking the photographer and the director of the shooting.

The ride was silent and awkward, none of us wanted to speak. I was lost in my thoughts and was wondering what I was going to learn there. I really hoped it was a good news for once and not a bad one. I didn't know how much I could take before breaking. "Hey, we're here." Benoit said in a soft voice, shaking me slightly.

I jumped a little and laughed nervously before getting out of the car. We quickly entered into the building and we went toward the reception. "Hello, someone called me because they have some news about my son..." I said, feeling curious and anxious.

"Oh yes, the doctor is waiting for you in front of the usual room; you can go." The receptionist said in a gentle voice before giving me a nice smile. I thanked her and we ran toward the room where the doctor was waiting for us.

"Hello, you are probably dying to know the news so I am not going to make you wait any longer. Your son woke up but there is a slight problem..." He said in a sorry voice and I didn't know if I should be happy about the fact that my baby finally woke up or be worried about the fact that something happened.

"What problem? Is it something serious?" I asked as my hands shook slightly, feeling really nervous about his answer.

"Well, not really... He just lost his memory; it is a common thing after being in the coma for such a long time but his memory should come back after a while. The best thing to do in this case is to show pictures or videos, share memories which may accelerate the procedure. But the real problem is that it seems impossible as you do not have child's custody anymore. We still wanted to inform you as you were with him almost all the time even if it is not really allowed..." He said in a sorry voice and I just wanted to scream at how unfair everything was.

Without asking for permission or anything, I opened the room where I knew my son was and entered. Casey was speaking to my son and they were both laughing. Jamel looked at me with tired eyes and you could easily see bags under his eyes as his skin was still really white. His eyes grew wide when he saw me standing in the room and then he began to shake slightly as if he was afraid.

"Sssh... Calm down, it's nobody... I'm going to deal with it and come back. You should rest." He said in a gentle voice before getting up and walking toward me and Benoit who was now next to me. My son forgot who I was... I couldn't stop thinking about that; I waited for so long for him to wake up but I never thought he would forget me... Casey was taking this to his advantage; he was winning as always... "I told you not to come back without my authorization. And, as you can see, he has a lot of trouble like the fact that he can't remember anything which is perfect for me but also the fact that he still didn't say a word. Leave." He told me in a low, menacing voice while glaring at me.

Is It Fair?! [MalePregnancy] (Sequel of "This Isn't Fair")Where stories live. Discover now