Chapter 30: News

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I took a deep breath, trying to unlock my phone with my shaky hands which wasn't easy. Why was he calling? It was never good when he called so I feared the worst. I finally answered, trying not to show my emotions. "What do you want?"

"Is that how you answer me? I thought you would be happier." He answered with a chuckle. "Anyway, I want to see you in person. I have some things to tell you. And, why don't you bring your soon-to-be husband?" He asked and I could feel him smile through the phone.

"Why? Why do you want to see us? And how do you know we're going to get married?" I asked, not really sure I wanted to know the answer. No one knew that except for my mother and probably my sister by now but I knew that they would never tell Casey anything.

"I have some things to tell you. Are you deaf? And did you really think you could hide this from me? Did you forget how powerful I am? Did you forget what kind of job I'm doing? I also know about your... Little secret. Three months and a half, right?" He said in a mischievous voice which made my blood freeze. There was no way he could know how far along I was already. We discovered this only a few hours ago!

"W-What do you want?" I asked in a small voice, ignoring Benoit's questioning stare.

"Come to my house before the end of the day." He said before ending the call before I had the time to answer.

I looked at my hands for a few minutes, ignoring Benoit. I couldn't understand why he was calling now. I never thought he would find about the wedding and even less about the baby. That scared me a lot to be honest, what if he hurt Jamel because of that? "We need to go Casey's house before the end of the day... He knows about everything... He knows about the wedding and the baby... I don't know how he does it..." I told him in a whisper, trying not to cry.

The shock on his face would have been funny if we weren't talking about Casey. I got up and went to the bathroom to splash water on my face. I wish this was a nightmare and that I would just wake up but, sadly, this was my life and things never went as expected. I was pulled out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. "Are you alright?" Benoit asked in a concerned tone.

"Yes, we should go though." I said while opening the door.

I avoided looking at his eyes, already knowing what he was thinking: we were supposed to make dinner and eat, especially after what we learnt about the baby. But how was I supposed to eat when the man who had my baby wanted to see us? How was I supposed to relax when Casey wouldn't leave us alone? All of this was too much for my nerves.

The ride was made in silence but you could easily feel the tension in the air. We didn't know what to expect. We stopped in front of the house and we made our way toward Casey's door before stopping in front of it. I took a deep breath, not daring to knock at the door. I was thankful when Benoit knocked and held my hand while we were waiting for Casey to open the door.

He opened the door less than five minutes after we knocked that stupid smile always on his face. It made me want to punch him but I knew that I couldn't do that. "What a nice surprise, I didn't expect to see you!" He exclaimed in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, right. What do you want?" Benoit said in a dark tone, trying to be menacing but not really succeeding. There was nothing menacing about Benoit, even when he tried.

Casey didn't answer but, instead, let us enter into his house and led us toward the living room. "If you are wondering where Jamel is, he is in his bedroom. For now." He said while looking at me with a big smile that I just wanted to see disappear.

"For now? What do you mean?" I asked, feeling confused and scared. You never knew what to expect with him and I couldn't help but imagine the worst.

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