Chapter 17: Cute

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I turned around and left the restaurant as quickly as possible before emptying my stomach on the pavement. Once I was done, I groaned still not feeling really great while holding my stomach. Benoit was next to me and was looking at me with worried eyes. I gave him a small smile to try to reassure him. "I'm fine... I guess I just caught something. I'll be better in a few days." I told him and tried to give him another smile but it came more like a wince; I suddenly felt very weak and tired.

"Do you want to go back to the apartment? I could make you some soup and you could go to sleep, alright?" He asked me in a light voice but I could see the concern in his eyes.

I nodded, feeling too tired to reply and we made our way back to the car. None of us spoke during our way back to the apartment and I was glad there were some music or it would have been awkward. I felt bad that we had to leave the restaurant so quickly.

I sat on the sofa as soon as we were back to the apartment. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, trying to calm my stomach which was making strange flips. "Hey, are you okay? You're a little pale... I made you a sandwich. I know it's not much but I don't want you to feel worse than you already do..." He explained while handing me the plate. I thanked him and took a small bite.

Benoit sat next to me and we began to eat. I really liked the fact that he cared. He didn't have to do all this but he did it because he wanted to. It felt weird to be cared for especially after all the past events but I was thankful. I also began to notice things I never noticed before. Did you know he had small freckles on his nose and on his shoulders? It was hard to see it because he hides them with make-up most of the time but it was there. Did you also know that, even if he pretends not to care about people's opinion, he often looks around him to see what people think? I didn't notice these things at first but as I spent more time with him, I began to notice small things. It never happened before with anyone, I couldn't understand why it began now.

"Aren't you hungry?" Benoit asked me in a concerned voice which made me realize that I stopped eating.

"I am, I was just thinking about something. I didn't realize I stopped eating." I answered, giving him a small smile.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked curiously while finishing his sandwich.

I mentally face palmed myself when I heard his question. What was I supposed to say? I tried to think about an excuse but I couldn't find one. "I was just thinking about your freckles." I said, deciding to say a part of truth.

His eyes widened slightly and I could see a slight ounce of panic in it. "My freckles? God, I forgot to put some make-up, I'm sorry about that!" He said quickly as he was getting up, probably wanting to hide them.

"No need to panic!" I chuckled at his reaction. "I actually think it's really cute." I admitted with a small smile.

His panicked expression changed into an embarrassed one. The tip of his ears as well as his face turned bright red and a cute, shy smile made its way onto his face. "Thanks, I guess... Nobody ever told me that." He murmured while looking at his lap, the smile still present on his face.

I could feel him looking at me from the corner of his eyes while I was finishing my sandwich. Suddenly, I felt his arms wrapped around me and I could feel his hot breath on my neck. "Thank you, really... I'm not talking about the freckles! I mean, mmhh, thank you for just... Accepting me the way I am..." He said quietly and I could feel his lips brushing against my skin at every word.

"I should be the one thanking you. You can't imagine how much you've helped me." I told him, totally meaning what I said.

His head left my shoulder and he looked at me straight in the eyes. I stared back at him, not really understanding what he was waiting for. He gulped and I could see the way his eyes moved from my eyes to my lips before going back to my eyes. He slowly put his hands on my shoulders while biting his lips. That was when I realized that he was sitting on my lap. "You know, I..." He trailed off, his face coming closer and closer to mine until our nose were touching.

His lips were so close that I swear I could touch them if I wanted to. This position actually began to make me uncomfortable. The way his eyes were staring at me and the fact I could feel his hot breath on my skin didn't help the situation. I turned my head to the right and stared at the sofa embarrassingly. I felt his hot lips on my cheek after a few seconds and he got up just after. "I-I-I think I'm going to take a shower and then I'll go to bed... Make yourself at home..." He said as quickly as possible before giving me a small smile before walking toward the bathroom. I didn't miss the way his ears and his face became red when he was telling me this.

I stared at the spot he was a few minutes ago and blinked slowly. I couldn't understand why he was behaving so strangely these days... He was always giving me sweet smiles; he was blushing really often when I was looking at him... Things changed a lot, especially since the second time we slept together... Maybe that was the reason... I would totally understand though. It wasn't every day that someone asked to do that. The more I thought about it, the more I realized it must have been the reason he was so strange. I should probably excuse myself.

With that in mind, I got up and made my way toward the bedroom. I undressed myself until I was in my underwear and went under the covers. I was glad my sickness seemed to be gone. I was decided to wait for him but I drifted off to sleep before...


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