Chapter 13: Goodbye?

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I knew where he was staying and I went there as fast as possible. There were so many different scenes in my head but I couldn't stop imagining things. I entered into the building, almost running and opened the door without even knocking.

Casey was sitting on a luxurious sofa and was working on his computer. When he heard the door, he raised his head and smirked when he saw me. "I was wondering how long it would take you to come and see me." He said, not hiding his pleasure to see me like that.

"Y-You knew?" I asked, anger and pain in my voice.

"Of course I knew. I received a call from someone who works for me. He was at the hospital and told me what happened. Want to know something?" He asked before continuing to speak, not waiting for my reply. "I already got tested and I have the right type of blood." He added with a cruel smirk and shining eyes.

"Please... You have to give him some blood... He can't die..." I pleaded, knowing that my son's fate was in his hands.

"I could but I'm not sure I want to... Would you be ready to do anything to save him?" He asked while continuing working on his computer as if we weren't having an important conversation.

"Yes... Just tell me what I have to do." I said, feeling desperate but also hoping we could agree on something.

"Finally something interesting." He said while looking at me. "I want you to sign this paper." He added before giving me a paper.

I took it with trembling hands and read it. I knew it, I knew it. "Please... There may have something else..." I tried to say but he interrupted me.

"No. Either you accept and I give my blood or you leave and pray to find someone else who has the right type of blood before it's too late. So, do you want me to give my blood or should I already buy a coffin?" He asked me with a hard look, showing me how serious he was about all this. He wouldn't hesitate to let him die... He wouldn't even care...

"I-If I sign this... Could I see him sometimes? Please..." I asked, tears rolling down my cheeks, knowing that I had no other choice if I wanted to save my son.

"If you behave then yes, time to time." He asked, giving me another smile. He knew he already won.

I took a pen which was on the table and signed the paper before giving it back to it. "Please... Don't hurt him... A-And... One day you could come to take his things..." I murmured in a weak voice, feeling totally empty.

"That won't be needed. I will just buy better things; now let's go to the hospital to save my son, uh?" He said with a smirk, happy to see me so broken.

I only nodded, not feeling strong enough to speak. We got up and walked toward his car. The ride toward the hospital was silent except for me sniffing time to time. I was feeling so desperate that I didn't even think about the fact that I was in a car. How would he react once he would have the strength to open his eyes? Would he hate me? Would he end up forgetting about me? Of course he would.

We entered into the hospital and walked into the corridors that I knew way too well. My heart was feeling really heavy and I still couldn't really believe that he wasn't officially my son anymore. I entered into the room while Casey went to see the doctor. Benoit got up as soon as he saw me. His face dropped when he saw my tears and my red eyes.

"He refused?" He asked in a small voice, scared to know the answer.

"N-No... We j-just made a deal... I-I gave him child's c-custody..." I said as more tears fell on my cheeks.

I walked past Benoit, ignoring his chocked face, and sat on the chair next to my baby boy. I took his cold hand into mine and squeezed it softly. "Baby... I-I... I know I promised you I would be there when you wake up but I had to make a choice... You're going to stay with your fa- with someone who will take care of you... I promise I will do my best to find a solution... I will fight for you... I love you so much you can't imagine..." I whispered close to his ear so only him could hear me because I was sure that, even if he still didn't wake up, he could hear me.

Is It Fair?! [MalePregnancy] (Sequel of "This Isn't Fair")Where stories live. Discover now