Chapter 28: Family

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We all sat in the living room and for a few minutes there was an awkward silence. I could see that my mother had many things to say and ask but she was waiting for me to say something first. I sighed and decided to break the silence. "I'm sorry..." I whispered while looking at my lap.

"I thought I would never see you again..." My mother murmured in a low, broken voice and you could hear the tears in her voice. "Y-You can't imagine how hard it was for your sister and me to look into the newspaper every day, and praying not to see you in here..."

"You can't imagine how sorry I am..." I replied, not feeling better than her. "After the accident, I thought that I was cursed or something like that and I didn't want anything to happen to you so I disappeared... I now realize it was really stupid..." I said, wiping my eyes. Benoit took my hand into his and squeezed it, showing me that he was there for me. I sent him a small smile and continued to speak. "When Jamel was at the hospital, I really was a mess... I ended up drunk almost every day, I hardly ate and the place I lived in was really shitty... But a lot of things changed when I met Benoit..."

"So... You two are together? Wow..." She whispered while looking at us. I could see in her eyes that it was a lot of news to process and I couldn't blame her.

"Yes, we are... He's really an amazing person... He's really supportive and he's helping me get my son back..." I said with a small smile, I was really lucky to have him with me and I still couldn't realize why he chooses to stay with me.

"Get your son back? What do you mean?" She asked with a frown and I could hear the worry in her voice.

"Casey came back and... And he took him away from me..." I said as tears welled up in my eyes. Just thinking about it, it broke my heart all over again. I took a shaky breath and I began to tell her the whole story. I told her how I met him again, how I was basically forced to give him Jamel's custody to save his life and how we were trying to get him back.

She listened to the whole story without a word but I could see different emotions in her eyes: sadness and anger were the dominant emotions. "I wish you came back sooner, I would have been there to support you... Your sister too..." She said sadness in her voice. "You could have moved back with us..."

"I know...I-I wish I did...." I said, looking at my hands. "I wish I would have had the courage to do it sooner... But I really want to do the right thing and I hope you will forgive me... I would also mean a lot if you come to our wedding..." I added in a small voice, still not looking at her in the eyes.

"Of course I will come, who do you think I am? And, you can't imagine how happy I am to have you back... Why don't you stay for lunch? I was about to eat the rest of lasagna I made yesterday." She told us in a gentle voice.

I quickly looked at Benoit who only smiled at me. I, then, looked at my mother and told her with a small smile. "We would love to... Do you need any help?"

"No, it will be ready in about 15 minutes. Why don't you both stay here while I set the table and warm up the food?" She said with a warm smile and you could see the happiness in her eyes.

"Alright." I answered, giving her another smile.

Once we were alone, I turned my head toward Benoit and saw that he was looking at me with a smile. "See, it wasn't that bad? I'm really happy your family will be there for the wedding and I'm also happy to see that they really love you." He told me as he took my hand into his and squeezed it softly.

"I wouldn't have been able to do that without you, you know." I told him, wanting him to know how much he did help me and how much he meant to me.

He didn't answer but I didn't miss the way his cheeks went slightly red which was absolutely adorable. I hugged him and kissed his cheek before putting my head into his neck.

Is It Fair?! [MalePregnancy] (Sequel of "This Isn't Fair")Where stories live. Discover now