Chapter 35: Conversation

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He looked at me for a few minutes, tears still rolling down his cheeks. When he didn't answer, I started to speak again. "Benoit and I are together... He will never replace your father but he makes me happy and I love him very much. I think you will love him too once you will get to know him." I said gently while trying not to speak too fast just to make sure he understood everything.

Jamel slowly turned his head toward Benoit who was clearly uncomfortable with the whole situation. It was easy to see that he wasn't used to children, even less crying ones. He then looked at me again. "No, no!! I don't want him, I want daddy!" He said, crying harder.

The whole situation broke my heart; it wasn't easy to deal with it. I couldn't be mad at Jamel for reacting like this because in his situation I would have probably done the same thing. And it wouldn't be fair to be mad at him when I had basically done the same when Russell died. I had been a mess for so long after his death and I would probably still be one if I hadn't met Benoit. It would probably take some time before Jamel started to really accept Benoit into his life but I was sure things were going to get better with time.

"Did you know that Benoit can turn into a gorgeous woman with only make-up and clothes? Do you want to see how he can do that?" I asked, wanting to change the topic of the conversation and hoping it would make him stop crying.

Jamel looked at me with big curious eyes, tears still running down his cheeks. "Really?" He asked before turning his little head toward Benoit while waiting for an answer.

"Do you want to see the transformation?" Benoit asked in a soft voice while looking at my baby with a small smile. You could see the uneasiness in his eyes but I appreciated all the efforts he was doing.

Jamel was wiping his eyes before looking at me again looking excited. I took his small hand into mine and we followed Benoit into our room where all his make-up and clothes were. I sat on the bed, taking Jamel on my knees while Benoit took out his make-up and started to look at the things he would need for a quick look. Once he had everything he needed, he started to do his make-up, Jamel was staring at the transformation with wide eyes, asking questions from time to time.

He began by putting a darker red on his beard area and under his eyes. He then put some foundation that matched the color of his skin and put it all over his face. Once he was done, he started contouring, especially his nose and cheeks before drawing his brows on. Finally, he put a light color above his eyes and a nude lipstick.

Once the make-up was done, Benoit put on a blond wig and another shinny top before fully turning toward Jamel. "I'm done. This is Farrah, my drag persona." Farrah said with a smile while extending one of her hand.

Jamel took it with a smile. "You so beautiful! Mommy, can I look like that too?" He asked, turning his head toward me. It seemed like he forgot that he was upset with Benoit and I was glad that he seemed to like him, at least a little.

"I think you're too young to wear make-up but in a few years you will be able to wear make-up and wigs if you want to. I'll never stop you from expressing yourself." I explained, trying to make him understand that I would accept him no matter what he wanted to look like but not wanting to put make-up on him at such a young age. He was still a toddler after all!

"How do I call you?" Jamel asked to Farrah with wide, excited eyes. It looked like he couldn't believe how Benoit could look so much like a woman only using some make-up.

"You can call me Farrah if you want. Or Benoit. I don't mind!" She replied in a soft voice, giving him another smile.

"Faaah?" He asked in his cute baby voice before smiling back. Watching them interacting made my heart swell. They were absolutely adorable; I could watch them interact for hours. Slowly, I put a hand on my stomach. The baby bump was still small but it wouldn't take long for it to grow. Especially now that I had no real reason to stress anymore. I had my baby back safely with me and Benoit who loved me and that I loved back. I really hoped that life was starting to get better for me and that I wouldn't have any bad surprises.

"Jamel, I have one last thing to tell you." I said in a gentle voice. He turned his little head toward me and looked at me with big, curious eyes, waiting for me to start speaking again. I took a deep breath, hoping that he would take this news better than the first one. "You're going to have a little brother or a little sister." I finally told him with a smile.

"In your belly?" He asked with wide eyes while coming closer to me.

I pulled my T-shirt up and showed him my stomach even if you couldn't see much at the moment. He put both of his hands on my stomach for a few seconds before coming closer. He then put his head on my stomach and stayed in this position for a few minutes. "I can't hear the baby." He whined while looking at me with a pout on his face.

I could hear Farrah laugh slightly in the background which made me smile. "That's because the baby is still too small. You will be able to hear and feel it better in a few months." I explained him with a smile, happy that he was taking this news a lot better.

"Okay! I hope it's a boy." He answered with a smile before kissing my stomach. "Bye Bye baby!" He said while walking back to Farrah who answered his questions about make-up, wigs and all the clothes he had.

This action made me tear up a little but I tried not to show how happy this made me. I cried enough already. Looking at Farrah and Jamel laughing together made me realize how lucky I was and I couldn't wait to meet our baby...


I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And sorry for not being able to update as often as before ♥

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