Anything Can Happen - Chapter 34

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He was gone now. And it killed me. Because i didn't know if he was gone because he had to be, or because he wanted to be away from me. Either way sucked balls. He didn't video chat me as much as before, but he still texted me, i watched every single one of their interviews and always wished him luck before going on stage for a concert that night. But i missed him like crazy. Eleanor had come over with Danielle and they hung out with me and the girls the whole time. Taking me shopping, to see movies, going to clubs, party's. But nothing worked. I just wanted him here, i had just gotten out of the hospital and  he was gone. That had rained on me, not making anything better. We were back to recording our second album, If You Ever Come Back, it was more mature then the last one, i don't know why, it just was. But i had more instruments in it. And we were planning on doing a song with One Direction, of course, and Ellie Goulding. A remix version of 'Anything Could Happen,' Which was pretty sweet since we all loved that song. And had sung it on the X Factor. About 2 months after he had left, they were all dragging me through the mall when my phone went off. They all groaned and waited for me to answer.


"Hey Sam, it's me," I smiled.

"Hey Simon, what's up?" Everyone else had sat down while i talked, with a groan. They knew if i was talking to Simon, it was going to be a while before i was done. I don't know why, but i liked talking to him, he was like the dad i never had, and that made me very happy to know i had someone as cool as him to go to if i ever needed too.

"Well, we're talking about doing a music video for the remix version of Kiss You, and we have to figure out a date were everyone can do it," I looked at the girls and covered the phone so i could talk to them,

"Simon want's to know when a good day is to shot the music video for Kiss You," They all jumped up and Casey grabbed the phone.

"Whenever the boys can, we'll make time," Casey said smiling. I heard him talk to her faintly and she nodded and a smile split her face and she nodded again,

"Yeah, sure thing, al right, see you later," And she hung up. She handed me my phone back and smiled. Sara shook her.

"Sooo," She laughed and grabbed Sara shoulders and looked her in the eyes.

"We going to LA tomorrow to film it at the beach!" We all let out a scream and hugged each other. We had never filmed a music video yet, i know, sad, we wanted to, but it was just so busy all the time. We looked at Eleanor and Danielle. They smiled and shook their head and sighed.

"Come on, lets go pack," We all smiled and left the mall and headed back to the flat. Me and Lilli ran to our room and pulled our suitcases out and started to pack clothes and bathing stuff. Blasting the music in our room. Anything Could Happen. We laughed and danced along and sang our hearts out. Soon the other girls came in and joined us. We turned the music up even more and ran through the house, singing the words at the top of our lungs, clapping our hands. We all laughed and kept singing. It was true, anything could happen, who knew i would fall in love with Harry Styles, who knew that i would try out for X Factor and be put into a band with 4 other girls who had become my sisters. I landed on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. The music blasting through the house. Everyone just having a good time. Anything could happen to us, anything in the world, and so far, it had all been good, everything had happened for a reason. I got up as the song ended and headed back to the room and finished packing. Lilli followed and finished, we all brought our bags down to the front door and then just hung out in the living room until midnight, talking and singing and laughing. We soon all went to bed. I crawled under my blanket and closed my eyes to fall asleep, but Lilli spoke up,

I Only Ever Go In One Direction (Harry Styles) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now