Oh, it's what you do to me - Chapter 30

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"OK, serious?" I whined as he dragged me through the hallway. We were recording our second album, i had no time for playing around. He dragged me the rest of the way down the hallway. I planted my feet onto the floor, which made me fall back a little then pull again. I groaned and moaned as loud as i could. He just laughed and kept pulling. I soon saw the front doors and pulled back as hard as i could. He just turned towards me, wrapped his arm around my waist and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed and he ran out of the recording studio and outside. The cold winter air hit me hard. I wasn't wearing a sweater or a jacket. I heard a car unlock and he set me down in the seat. I tried to climb back out but he buckled me in and closed the door. I grunted and crossed my arms. Frowning. He looked at me and laughed as he climbed in.

"Come on, it'll be fun," I rolled my eyes. He pulled away from the building. I rested my head on the window and watched the snow fly by. He turned on the radio and Ed Sheeran filled the car. A Team. He smirked at me and i bite my lip. He knew i loved this song and i couldn't help but sing along every time. I sighed and gave in,

"But lately  her face seem, slowly sinking, wasting, crumbling like pastries, and they scream,cos we're just under the upper hand, go mad for a couple grams, and she don;t want to go out side, tonight, and in a pipe, she flys to the mother land, or sells love to another man, it's to cold outside, for angels to fly," He was smiling as i finished the chorus and i hit his arm. He laughed and turned right. Soon the busy city started to disappear  I looked behind us and frowned. I looked at him but he didn't say anything. We just kept driving, soon coming to a dirt road. I looked around the car. There was literally nothing, was we driving me out of New York? Soon a building came into view. He pulled into the parking lot and turned the engine off. I looked at the building. I felt him lean over to my side and look out the window.

"It's not the exact same place, but it's kinda like it," I didn't look at him. I knew what he was doing. This building looked like the place he had taken me for our first date. When i had first realized i was in love with him. I looked back at him. A small smile played on his lips.

"Why are you bringing me here?" He gripped my hand and looked out the window.

"Because, after i took you here, i left a day later, and i haven't forgiven myself for leaving and never getting a hold of you, and i want to remake that day, that week were i should have stayed or kept talking too you, i want to make it right," I smiled and kissed him lightly. He smiled back and got out of the car. I climbed out also and we walked towards the building. He intertwined his hand into mine and i leaned against his side and we walked into the building, music flooding out of the doors, memory's and feelings flew back and hit me. He walked me through the crowded entry way and into the dance room. We sat down at a table and a lady with brown curly hair brought us drinks. I clapped my hands and tapped my foot to the music. After a while Harry grabbed my hand and brought me into the middle of the floor. We joined the line and moved our feet to the right, then back to the left, He grabbed my hand and twirled me around and brought me up against his chest, i put my feet onto of his and he walked in a little square to the music. His hands staying locked with mine. He pressed his cheek to my forehead and i closed my eyes for a little while. Smiling to myself. He wrapped his arm around my waist and took me off his feet and twirled me around again, i laughed as he brought me back to his chest. I looked up at him and he looked back down at me, and i remembered the first date, him catching me in his arms, saving me from a hard fall on my butt. Looking me in the eyes. And i remembered that, that moment, almost 4 years ago, i had fallen, totally in love with him. He brought his face close to mine and kissed me. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and brought my feet back onto his, not breaking the kiss. 4 years ago i had fallen in love with him, and 4 years later, i was still in love with him. That would never change.


We drove back, the sun was gone, the street lights shinning bright over the streets. He cranked the radio all the way up. I laughed and tried to turn it down. he grabbed my hand and shook his head. I laughed again and sat back in my seat as Hey There Delilah filled the car. Harry started to sing along. Still holding my hand. Snow had started to fall lightly. The first snow fall, in October. The song ended and Two Is Better Than One by BoysLikeGirls came on. I screamed and started to sing along. Harry smiling at me the whole time, it got to the chorus and i smiled as i sang the words from heart, i had listened to this song over and over again. I loved this song. It was the best song i had ever heard,

'That maybe it's true, that i can;t live without, and that two is better then one, there so much time, to figure out the best of my life, and you already have me coming undone, and im thinking two is better then one!" I yelled. Harry joined in and rubbed his thumb on my hand. Driving only with one hand. He looked over at me and then leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed him back. Not wanting to let go. We soon pulled up in front of my flat. I got out, still quietly singing the words to myself. Harry wrapped his arm around me and kissed me cheek and finished singing the song with me. I smiled and turned. He kissed my cheek again and opened the door. He pushed me inside and kissed my cheek again, leaving his lips by my ear.

"Sweet dreams," I smiled and he turned and walked back towards his car. I sighed and watched him drive off, then closed the door, those lyrics still running around in my head.


I woke up the next morning to a loud knocking on my door. I sighed and got up. Rubbing the back of my head. I opened my door and Harry wrapped his arm around me and brought me into the air and twirled me around, then set me back on my feet,  he kissed my cheek, then my forehead, then the edge of my nose, then my lips. I laughed and looked at him.

"Your in a good mood," He smiled and nodded.

"Wanna know why?" I thought there for a while. He started to hoop from foot to foot. I laughed and nodded.

"Sure," He grabbed my hand and brought me down stairs and into the living room. He sat me down on the couch. I then realized the other boys were there, same with the girls. I frowned at them and the girls shrugged, but the boys smiled. Harry walked over to the CD played and pushed play. The music for their song Kiss You filled the room. I sat back and listened. The second set of lyrics came up and i sat up, my eyes widening, along with my 4 best friends. Harry smiled like a kid in a candy shop and nodded his head. I pointed towards the CD player.

"Is that...?" He nodded.

"The remix version, YES! doesn't it sound epic!?" I laughed and hopped up from my seat and ran towards him. Coming closer to the CD player. I heard all our voice singing together. I smiled and turned to him.

"We gotta celebrate this," He nodded and turned to everyone else. Niall jumped up and pumped his fists into the air.

"YES LETS DRINK!" Everyone laughed and me and the girls ran upstairs and got dressed and then walked back downstairs. We walked to the nearest pub and just had the time of our lives. Harry stayed by my side the whole time, he had said he didn't like the way the other guys were staring at me. I didn't drink too much. None of us did, we were still sober, he mostly danced and talked the whole time. We left the pub at around 11:30 pm, we had stayed there all day. Simon was probably going to be pissed at us, but oh well. It was worth it. Me and Casey were singing on the way back. As loud as we could. Harry and everyone else were ahead of us. Hitting and hugging and laughing. We started to cross the road. We reached the other side, then my hat feel off. I reached up to grab it, but it flew back to the middle of the cross walk. I walked over and reached down to pick it up. Headlights blinded me as the sound of squealing tires erupted. I looked up as i grabbed my hat. The car was trying to stop, but it didn't stop in time  It hit my legs, sending me up, towards the wind shield. I hit my head on the glass and everything went black, the last thing i heard was Harry screaming,


I Only Ever Go In One Direction (Harry Styles) *FINISHED*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ