X Factor - Chapter 21

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I woke up on my floor. I pushed myself up and looked around. Carrie was asleep on my couch. I sighed and sat up. And wished i hadn't. My head was KILLING me. I rubbed my face and got up slowly. I walked into my bathroom and grabbed some Advil and took two pills and walked back into the living room. My throat was dry and i was so thirsty. I saw Carrie was still sleeping. I walked over just to make sure and listened. Yup, still alive. I walked into the kitchen and filled a glass with water and took a long drink. And filled it back up and walked back into the living room. I walked over to Carrie and hit her with a pillow. She got up and rubbed her face. She looked at me.

"What was that for," I sat down on the chair and she sat up and then layed back down, holding her head. I laughed and walked into the bathroom and grabbed her some Advil and walked back into the living room and gave it to her. She sat up slowly and took them. I handed her my water and she took the pills and drank all the water. I smiled and shook my head. The Advil was starting to kick in. But i was still thirsty. I got up and got another glass and walked back. Carrie looked up at me.

"OK, additions start like in 2 days, so what song are you going to sing?" I frowned at her and sat down.

"What are talking about?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Um, for X Factor," I shook my head.

"No way," She nodded.

"Yes, you said so last night," I sighed.

"Yeah, i was drunk,"

"Do sent matter, you have to, do something YOU want to do for once," I looked down at the floor rubbing my finger against the glass. She walked over and looked me in the eye.

"You haven't done anything for yourself since you and Harry split and you are INCREDIBLE singer," I sighed.

"FINE, I'll do it, but only once," She smiled and got up and grabbed my laptop and turned it on.

"OK, so what song should you sing?" I sighed and sat back.

"I don't know," She smiled at me.

"I do, a song that shows your sexy side, but your vocals, I've got the perfect song," I raised an eyebrow and she brought her phone and plugged it into my speakers. I sat there waiting, really wanting to know what song she was picking. Soon the music started and i knew it right away. Kicking and Screaming  By Miley Cyrus. I had sung it before, but not in a long time. She looked at me and i sighed and started singing. A smile split her face and she started hoping up and down.

"YES YES YES, i knew it, that's the song, and when your on stage, just let the song take over and make you, you, because I've seen you when you get lost in the music, and it's amazing, do that," I sighed and nodded and she put the song on repeat. I was going to. No matter what. This was something for me, this was my time to shine. I smiled to myself and stood up and started dancing and singing. Ignoring the pain in my head. I got lost in the music. Just like Carrie said i should, and i never felt so alive. I hadn't felt this alive since i was with Harry. I tried to push that thought out of my head. He didn't want me. He never wanted me. Not once. After the third time singing the song i sat down and looked at Carrie. She smiled at me.

"That't it, that's the song, your going to KILL it," I laughed and smiled. I was. I was going to show the judges i was worth it.


I gave them my info and they handed me a number and i walked into the building. I couldn't believe i was here. I was trying out for the X Factor. Carrie was with me, so was her mom, who had ended up being my mom. I also had a guy friend, who was gay, and his boyfriend. I couldn't have had better people with me. We sat down in the waiting room. I couldn't help but wring my hands. I was so nervous. Carrie patted my back and smiled at me. I smiled back and took some deep breathes. There was alot of people trying out, what was the chance i was going to get through to bootcamp. I waited about 2 hours, when my name was called. I took some deep breathes. They had interviewed me. And were video taping me back stage with my friends. I knew they were going to tape me on stage. I knew i couldnt mess up. I drank some water and did some deep breathing. I was so close. My future, my DREAM was on that stage, with those judges. A lady walked up to me.

"Ok, the judges are ready for you," I nodded and got off the chair and walked towards the stairs and took some deep breathes. Carrie patted my back and i turned to her and hugged her.

"Break a leg," I smiled and nodded. They handed me a micro phone and i took a breathe and walked up the stairs to the stage. The judges looked at me. I was wearing black skinnys and a white tank top with a chain hanging from my hop for a belt. A long necklace and black heels, my hair down and curled. I hoped i looked OK. I got to the middle of the stage and smiled. Demi smiled back at me,

"Hey there, what's your name?"

"Samantha Golding," 

"Nice to meet you," I smiled and nodded at her, Simon leaned towards the microphone.

"What makes you think you go the X Factor dear," I stood there and thought, then put the microphone to my mouth.

"I don't think i have the X Factor," I said. The Judges looked at each other," No one ever has the X Factor, but i'm going to give it my all and try to prove that i should get to boot camp " Simon smiled and nodded. It hurt to look at him, i knew he had signed One Direction and that made me think of Harry. I rubbed my cheek and smiled back.

"What are you going to sing today love," I took a breathe.

"Im going to sing, Kicking and Screaming by Miley Cyrus," Simon looked at LA and shrugged.

"OK, show us what you got," I smiled and nodded. The music started and i started to sing. LA sat back in his seat. Simon and Demi's eyes went wide and Brittany started to smile. I got to a high note and the crowd started screaming. I finished and the crowd went nuts. I smiled and felt my face go hot. Simon leaned forward and looked at the other judges then at me,

"Wow, is the only word i have for you... that's was amazing," I smiled wider and nodded. 

"Samantha, im a fan already," I laughed and did a little dance. She laughed and Brittany looked at me.

"You walk on stage, looking like a star, and you sing like a star, i love you already," I laughed again and put my hand over my mouth.

"Samantha Golding," LA said. He looked at me and smiled, " Im pretty sure that, THAT'S going to be the next name being said all over the world," I felt tears form and i looked away, smiling.

"But now we have to take a vote," Simon said. LA leaned forward.


"Yes," Demi said. I smiled.

"Yes," Brittany smiled at me. I laughed and nodded. I looked at Simon. He looked around the crowd.

"They seem to love you," I smiled. He looked at me for a while, then smiled, " I love you too, your through," I screamed and twirled. I couldn't help the tears. I turned to them and waved.

"Thank you so much!" Simon smiled and waved back at me and i ran off stage and right into Carrie. She screamed with me and hugged me tightly.

"IM THROUGH, IM THROUGH!" I screamed. She screamed and jumped with me. Her mom and my other two friends hugged us too. I couldn't help but cry. I was through, i was going to boot camp...i was making my dream come true!!!!

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