Nobody Compares - Chapter 11

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Chapter 11....

I turned on my light as i walked into my apartment and almost stumbled and fell. But someon wrapped thier arms around me and picked me up and brought me to my bed. They layed me down. I looked up and smiled and patted the face. Then ran my fingers through the curly hair. I could see him smile also.

"Thank you Hazza," I mummbled. Patting his cheek again. He smiled again and grabbed my hand and intertwined his fingers through mine. I couldnt help but smile again. he leaned forward and kissed my lips again. I smiled again and ran my fingers through his hair and kissed him again. I coudl feel him smile and he pulled back, taking my fingers from his hair. he looked at me.

"Thank you for coming back," I whispered, He smiled and then brought the blanket over me and kissed my forhead. I curled up under it and closed my eyes. I heard him leave and close the door. i remebered the last time something like this had happened and what happend after and tears welled up in my eyes, i didnt want that to happen again. I had just opened myself up for more heart break that i didnt want. I brought ym figners into  a fist and then relaxed, he had said he loved me, he hadnt said it before. Maybe this time, it was going to be all true. I hoped.



I closed her bedroom door behind me and then walked to her couch. i sat down and grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. and turned the volume down. It seemed like her TV was programed on ET or something. Then i froze. A picture of me and Sam was plastered on the screen. I was kissing her, my hands around her waist, her fingers in my hair. I sighed and felt anger bubbel up in me and turned the channel and took my shoes off and layed down on the couch. Why couldnt they leave me alone. I just wanted a littel bit of alone time. I cuped my hand under my head and closed my eyes. I was staying here to make sure she was going to be ok. She had drinken a little to much after i had 'talked' to her. It was fun to see her have a good time. And i loved seeing her smile again. But i was worried, if her drinking was trying to forget the past. I shook my head and layed there and tyred to not think of that. But to think of when i had kissed her. It had sent a chill down my back and i wanted more. But i wasnt pushy. I wasnt going to push her to do something she didnt want to do. I shivered and got up and looked around for a blanket, then came across some old video tapes. I took them and put one in the player and hit play. she came on screen. Humming a song. She looked about 14 years old. I smiled as she looked up at the camera and smiled and started singing the words fully. And i was taken aback, she was amazing. She had sung at the club, but the music was so loud i couldnt hear her, but now, i could, she was so good. I took that out and put another one in. She looked about 16 here and again she was singing, i dont know who was video taping her, but i wis i knew, to thank them, she was amazing and needed to be video taped. I layed down and kept watching it. and soon i fell asleep, listening to her sing.


I rubbed my face and tryed to block out the sun by hiding my face with the blanket. I rolled over and my bed creaked. I heard comotion on the other side of my wall but ignored it. Then my door slowly opened. I heard the floor boards creaked and wondered how i had never heard them before. I felt someone shake my shoulder.

"Come on Sam, get up, i know your awake," His accent was deep and rich. I held back a smile and just alyed there, wanting to see if i could make him think i was still alseep. He didnt fall for it.

"Sam, come on, dont be lazy," I could hear him walk around my bed to face me. I felt his breathe on my face and almost let the smile spread but held it back. I heard him laugh lightly,

"I saw that, your mouth twitched, come on, dont make me push you out of bed," I just rolled over. I heard him laugh again and then the blanket was yanked off me. I held back a scream and brought my knees up to my chest. I felt him pick me up. His hand cold slipped under my top. I opened my eye then and tryed to make it so his cold skin wasnt touching my warm skin.

"OH MY GOSH HARRY YOUR FREEZING, LET ME GO!" I yelled he smiled and picked me all the way up. I screamed as he threw me over his shoulder. I hit his back and felt him laugh,

"I told you i was going to wake you up," I laughed as he pined my legs to his chest and left my room. he set me down on the couch and i craddled my legs to ymself, trying to warm myself up,

"Your freaking freezing!" He smiled and reached out towards me, i screamed and hoped off my couch and ran behind it. He clibmed up on the couch and reached for me behind it. I pushed him away and backed away from his hands. he smiled and climbed over the back of the couch and followed me. I ran into the  kicthen. him following me. There was only one way out of the kitchen, and that was the way i had come, i was trapped. I backed up into the counter. he got nearer and then put his hands on my neck. I screetched and pushed his hands away. He laughed and then wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to his chest. Slipping his cold hands under the back of my top. I screamed and tyred to get away from him. But he didnt let go and started to tickel me. I laughed and pushed at his chest. He smiled and i looked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you smiling at, your so evil," He laughed and kissed my cheek.

"I missed your laugh," I felt my face go hot and i smiled.

"I missed yours," I said. Soon his hands started to warm up, so they werent as cold as they before. Then i remebered something. I looked up at him.

"Did you go to your hotel, or where ever your are staying right now?' He shook his head and put my hair behind my ear.

"I stayed here to make sure you were ok," I smiled.

"Aww," I mused. He smiled then grabbed my hand.

"And i found something out about you," I raised and eyebrow as he walked me into the living room and sat me down on the couch. He stuck something into the TV and turned it on and played it. A gasp caught in my throat. I was on the screen. I smiled at it and started singing the words fully. He looked at me and smiled. I just kpet my eyes on the screen. I felt the ache in my heart grow as i watched the video. I felt the tears well up in my eyes as i watched it. Soon i heard Harry gasp and run over to me.

"Sam whats wrong, im sorry, i didnt meant o upset you," He was about to stop the video, but i shook my head and grabbed his hand and kept watching the video. Soon i heard thier voice. In the backround,

"Sing it Sam, woo-hoo"  The tears fell over heavier and i gripped his hand tighter. He paused it and i kpet my eyes on the screen. I was smiling at the camera, but i knew i was acutally smiling at the person holding the camera. He made me look at him.

"Sam, i'm sorry, i didnt mean to snop," I shook my head.

"Its not that," I said wipeing my eyes. he frowned at me. I rubbed my thumb along his hand and took a deep breathe.

"The person taking the video was my mom, she passed away when i was 17 in a car crash, those are the only things i have to remeber her, to hear her voice, ever sinec she died, my dad has wanted nothing to do with me, he as married someone new and she's a totally ass to me," I wiped my eyes again and looked back at the screen, then down at my hands,

"She was the only person who ever really understood me," I whispered. I felt his hand cup my cheek and me made me look up at him.

"I'm here," I smiled and curled up to his chest, leaning my head on his chest. I felt him breathe slowly as he wrapped his arm around me and rested his head on mine. he kissed my forhead,

"Im here for you Sam, no matter what, im never leaving again," I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Good, cause nobody compares to you, i need you," I felt him taking a deep breathe as he kissed my forehead again and we just sat there. Then he sighed.

"Your good Sam," i shook my head but didnt move.

"Yes you are, i cant let this go un forgotten, you know i could easliy get Simon to watch these and he could sign you," I closed my eyes, i wanted that more then anything, it was something my mom always wanted for me, she always said tha my voicecoud change the world, fi only i was given the chance to show it off.


"No buts Sam," I looked up at him.

"Let me think it over ok, its my freedom, you know," he smiled and kissed the tip of my nose lighlty.

"I'll wait as long as i have to, i'll wait forever for you," He said. I smiled and rested my head on his chest again. And i knew that if i ever lost him, i woud die a very painful death.

I Only Ever Go In One Direction (Harry Styles) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now