Best day - Chapter 29

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I texted and called and video chatted him all the time. Not stopping. Always making sure we talked as much as we could. I didn't like being so far away when we ha just gotten back together. I missed him like crazy, more and more everyday. I just wanted him back, with me here, but we were both famous, we both had to travel all the time, we would be apart alot now. Even more then before...before the indecent  he told me he was sorry everyday. And i kept reminding him it was fine, that all that matter was that i had him here with me, but he still looked at me with guilty eyes. I didn't know how or when he would stop looking at me like that. But i wished it was soon. We had just finished recording our parts to the remix version of Kiss You. It sounded good, i was hoping everyone would like it, we were even going to do a music video for it. I threw my bag onto the couch of the lounge and sat down on a chair. I logged onto my laptop and saw Harry was on-line. I clicked video chat and he answered, a smile on his face.

"Ello beautiful," I smiled back and pulled my hair over my right shoulder. I could see he was on his phone and was walking, i frowned and looked harder at the screen.

"Are you outside?" I asked. He nodded and looked to his right, then back at me.

"I am, walking toward ...ah, the arena we're playing at tonight," I nodded and looked at my phone. It was 11 pm here, so it must have been midnight were he was. I raised an eyebrow.

"You'r playing somewhere at midnight?" He smiled at me.

"Ah, no, it's 7pm here," I raised an eyebrow again.

"So, your in Canada?" He nodded and looked behind him.

"Yup, love Canada," I smiled and shook my head.

"Your a weird boy you know that," He smiled and looked forward.

"I know, but you still love me," I felt my face go red and i looked at the floor, i saw him look at the screen from the corner of my eye and he laughed. I saw him walk into a building. It looked alot like the one we were in. But i just shook my head.

"So, were in Canada are you?" He looked around himself. I saw Niall walk past him and wave at me. I waved back and he looked at me.

"Ah, Vancouver," I could hear the lie in his voice this time.  I tapped my fingers on the table.

"Vancouver huh?" He nodded. I nodded back and sat back, crossing me arms. He looked at me and smirked.

"OK, Alberta," I didn't hear anything in his voice this time. But i wasn't sure if i should believe him. He smiled at me and winked. I frowned.

"So, what songs are you going to sing tonight?" I asked He shrugged. I laughed, what a freaking idiot. I heard someone walk in, but ignored it, it was probably Simon.

"Man, i wish i could be with you right now," I said, putting my chin in my hands. He smiled at me and i felt someone lean towards my ear.

"You are," A husky voice whispered in my ear. I turned around and squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck. He laughed and picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I looked at him and planted a kiss on his lips. He kissed me back and i smiled at him.

"You'r such a liar," He smiled and leaned his forehead on mine.

"I'm a damn good one though," I laughed and nodded and kissed him again. He kissed me back, running his fingers down my hair. I hadn't dyed it for a while, so there was hardly any brown left in it. He looked at it and smiled.

"Have i ever told you i love with blonde hair better then brown," I smiled and kissed him again. I couldn't stop. I was so happy he was here. But i had totally forgotten that there was other people in the room. Someone coughed and Harry set me down. I looked behind him and the boys were standing there, the girls sitting on the couch's and chairs. Watching us. I felt my face go red and i looked down at the floor. Harry wrapped an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"We'll be alone soon enough," I laughed and nodded and walked over to the boys. Right to Louis. He smiled at me and opened his arms. I hugged him tightly.

"It's good to see you to happy with each other again," He whispered. I smiled and nodded.

"It feels good to be this happy," I pulled back and gave the rest of the boys a hug. I then walked back over to Harry and wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head and rubbed my back. They sat down and i looked at them all. All my friends were family was here. I looked up at Harry. He smiled and me and kissed my forehead. I looked back at everyone,

"How long are you guys staying?" I asked.

"This is our little break on tour, we're staying for about a week," A wide smile broke over my face. And i hugged Harry tighter. I felt him chuckle.

"Yeah, we're staying here for about a month, recording the new album and all," Casey said. Smiling at Niall. He smiled back and sat beside her. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders and sitting back.

"Good, then we can spend some time with all of you," Louis chirped. We all rolled our eyes. Zayn and Liam laughed and Louis broke out into a wide grin. I felt Harry's arm tighten around me and i looked up at him. He winked at me and i looked back at my friends.

"I'm going to show Harry around the place," Louis rolled his eyes and flopped onto the couch,

"More like show him your room," We walked by him and i hit him across the head. he laughed and rubbed it. I brought him up to my room and closed the door. He didn't wait a second. He had me pined up against the wall, his lips mashed into mine. I wrapped my legs around his waist and tangled my fingers into his curls, he cut them a little since i last saw him and it just made him look hotter then before. His hands moved around my waist, pushing me harder against the wall. I wrapped my legs tighter around his waist, pulling him closer. His hands moved up my top and to the back of my bra, holding my against his chest. I un-tangled my fingers from his hair and moved my hands down his back and up his shirt, slipping it over his head. Making our lips part for a couple second, then once the shirt was out of the way, he pressed his back to mine and i kissed him back happily. I ran my hands down his chest and he pulled me away from the wall and layed me on the bed. Slipping my top off and tossing it to the floor. I un- buckled his belt and started to undo his button. He moved his lips from mine and kissed my jaw line, then slowly moved down my neck to my collar bone. I bite my lip as i undid his pants and slipped them off. He crawled right on top of me and sucked my collar bone, making me moan as he undid my pants. I wrapped my legs back around his waist and ran my hands down his back. He bite my neck lightly and i groaned and dug my nails lightly into his back. He moved his lips back up to mine and kissed me hungerly. He pulled back and rested his forehead on mine. Us both breathing heavily and he had hardly done anything. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed my lips lightly.

"I missed you so much," he breathed. I kissed him back, tangling my fingers back into his hair.

"I missed you too,"


"Will you too hurry up and get dressed, we're all going out," Harry groaned and pulled me closer to his side. I laughed and wrapped my legs around his and rested my head on his chest. He put his face in my hair as Louis knocked sharply on the door again. Harry groaned again and pulled the blanket over his head. I giggled as he pulled me closer against him.

"HARRY COME ON!" Niall yelled. I laughed and tried to pull away from Harry. He tightened his grip on my waist and shook his head, putting his face deeper in my hair. Kissing my neck. I bite my lip and laughed lightly.

"Come on Harry, it'll be fun,"

"But this is fun too," He whispered in a low voice. Still kissing my neck. I laughed and pushed at his chest.

"Yes it is, but lets go spend time with our friends," He looked up at him.

"But i want to stay here with you," He whined. I laughed.

"Your such a horny British boy," I laughed. He smirked and kissed my neck again and nodded into my hair.

"Yes ma'am," I laughed and wiggled out of his grip and out of my bed and grabbed my clothes. He crawled out of bed and raced after me, but i already had my pants on. He grabbed at my waist and put his head on my shoulder, kissing my neck again and slipping his hands into my pants. I laughed and pushed away from him as Louis knocked on the door again.

"Only a couple more minutes " I said. Harry frowned and i smiled and handed him his clothes. He crossed his arms and i smiled at him and walked up to him and rested my fist on his chest and looked him in the eyes.

"Please, for me," He looked down at me and twirled a piece of hair around his finger and sighed.

"Fine," He grabbed his clothes and slipped them on. I smiled and put my top on. He finished and looked at me.

"I hate it when you do that," I smiled and walked towards the door.

"You'll thank me later," He rolled his eyes and followed me out the door. Louis and Niall were standing there. Their arms crossed over their chests. They looked up at us and sighed.

"About time," I laughed and rolled my eyes. Harry intertwined his fingers with mine and we walked out of the flat me and the girls were living in while recording the new album and hoped into Louis's car. Apparently everyone else didn't want to wait around to the 2 loves birds to finish up so they all left. Louis's words exactly. We pulled up in front of a restraunt and got out and joined out friends at the back of the restraunt. Casey and Sara looked up at me and laughed.

"it's about damn time," I felt my face go red and i sat down, making sure Harry was at my side the whole time. He had his arm wrapped around my waist and never let go. I was glad to have him back, i was positive when i didn't have him, my heart was slowly shrinking  and dying inside me. And now that he was back, i felt happy and alive, i didn't have to worry about seeing a picture of him and crying. because he was mine again and that's all the really mattered to me. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder and listened to my family talk back and forth and laugh. it was good to be like this again. I wouldn't change that fro anything.


I looked down at her. Her blonde hair resting on my shoulder. Her light laugh filling the space around me. The smile i had missed plastered on her face the whole time. And whenever she looked at me, she didn't have pain or sorrow in her eyes, it was love and most of all forgiveness  I looked looking at her and seeing that look in her eye. I was sure if i hadn't gotten her back that day, i would have killed myself. It was so hard to go around everyday, seeing her picture, hearing her voice sing on the radio and knowing she wasn't mine any more  And now that she was back in my arms, i swear i was the happiest guy on the face of the earth. After the dinner we all left the restraunt and went our separate ways. But i drove home with Sam. All the girls walked into the flat, but i pulled Sam tightly into my arms and she wrapped hers around me. I rested my head on hers and closed my eyes. I could faintly fell her heart beat and her slow even breathing and smiled. I pulled back and pointed her face up towards mine and gave her a long kiss. Then pulled back and kissed her cheek.

"Good night, I'll see you tomorrow," She kissed my cheek and smiled at me.

"I love you," He smiled at her and stroked my thumb down her cheek. She closed her eyes and rested her cheek into my hand and smirked and kissed the edges of her nose.

"I love you too," She smiled and walked back inside. I turned around and headed back towards Louis's car, he had gotten into Zayns and let me drive his. I climbed inside and just sat there. Then started to drive to the hotel. I turned the radio up and heard her voice fill the car and smiled. Best day ever.

I Only Ever Go In One Direction (Harry Styles) *FINISHED*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt