Truth are let Out - Chapter 37

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I stayed on the beach all day. Walking around, looking at sun and the sky. Just thinking. I didn't want to lose him, but the amount of times he had hurt me, were weighing on me. I didn't know if i could trust him any more  I walked through the water, getting my feet wet. I put my hands in my pockets and the sun started to go down. They would all be here soon to film the night scene for the music video. I had to hurry up and think of what i was going to do. I knew i loved him and i would only ever love him, but it was so hard too figure out when the memories of what he had done were pushing their way up the front of my mind. Soon the su was totally gone and the cars and film-makers drove up. I knew they would all be here soon and i sat down on a rock and looked over the ocean. I heard the last car drive up and i knew it was them. The doors opened and i heard Niall's laugh filter out of it. I didn't look back. I just wrapped my arms around my legs and looked over the ocean. trying not to think of what he had done, but what we had shared. I loved it. obviously, but other then that. All i thought about what how he had hurt me over and over again. I rubbed my face and heard someone walk up behind me and sit down. I turned and saw Lilli. She smiled at me.

"Hiya," I smiled back.

"Hey," She looked over at the ocean and sighed.

"We gotta film," I sighed and nodded.

"I know," She looked at me and stood up.

"Well, come on," I stood up and she wrapped her arms over my shoulder and we walked towards the dressing room. I could feel Harry's eyes on me but i didn't look at him. We walked behind the screens and were handed our clothes. We got changed and walked back out. There was a fire going. Niall and Louis were already sitting there. I walked over and sat beside Louis. he looked over at me and smiled.

"Ello love, how are you?" I smiled.

"Good," He nodded and turned back to the fire. Soon Harry came around with Zayn and Liam. Lilli had sat on my other side, so he couldn't sit beside me. I rubbed the back of my neck as the director told us just to act normal. Yeah, like that was going to be easy. The music started and Louis whispered a joke in my ear. I laughed out loud we mouthed the words and just had a good time. Of course, i never looked at Harry. But that didn't matter. we were never beside each other. Finally, around midnight, were finished. We all walked back around and changed. I was the first one done, so i walked back over to the water and stood on the edge, putting my toes in the water, wrapping my arms around myself. The stars were so bright out here. I looked up at them and smiled.


I walked out from changing and looked over at the water. Sam was standing there. Her arms wrapped around herself. I put my hands in my pocket and just watched her. She grabbed her hair and pulled it around her shoulder and put her feet farther into the water. I wanted to walk over there and wrap my arms around her and kiss her and tell her i was so sorry, but i bet she never wanted anything to do with me ever again. But my emotions got the best of me. I walked over and stood beside her. She didn't hear me. I moved closer and spoke,

"Hey," She turned and looked at me. Her blue eyes wide. She rubbed her arms and turned back around. I sighed and rubbed my face.

"Sam, please let me explain," She didn't say anything so i sighed again.

"I know, im being a total jerk, and i know, i have broken your heart so many times and it seems like the only thing im able to do any more  but i need you and i want you too know that i never wanted to hurt you like this, never, not once, i just want you to be happy, and im afraid of losing you, because your beautiful girl Sam, any guy would be lucky to have you, and im just afraid your going to realize that and leave me for someone else, because all the other guys out there are 10 times better then me, because they won't break you as much as i do, but Sam, i love you, i know you might not believe that now but i do...." I was cut off but her arms around me and her lips pressed to mine. I looked down at her. tears filling her eyes. She looked me in the eyes.

"Harry, i know im not the best girlfriend in the world, i know that, but im afraid of losing you, that's why i always freak out, because you could have any girl, i don't want to lose you Harry, i love you too," I smiled and wrapped my arms around her and picked her up and twirled her around. I set her down and looked her in the eyes.

"Im Sorry Sam, i really am,' She shook her head and kissed me again.

"No, forget it, forget it ever happened, it's just me and you, forever,"I smiled and nodded, pulling her closer to me.

"Forever," She smiled and i rested my forehead on hers.

"I'm still buying you a house,"

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