Life as it goes -Chapter 1

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Chapter 1...

Work...School....and more work, thats all my life is ever filled with, oh and sometimes the occasional family fight. I turned down the road to the coffe shop and tryed to think of the fights. I pulled up and parked and walked to the back of the shop to change. The California sun shown through the change room window and i sighed and warmed my cold back. I slipped my top on and walked outfront, tieing my apron on. Dannie smiled at me.

"Morning Sam," I smiled back.


"Register 1," I nodded and headed towards register 1. A lineup of people stood there. I looked over at Josh. I through my hands up in the air and he shrugged.

"Busy morning," I rolled my eyes and turned to the first person.

"Morning, what can i get you?" And so the busy work day started.


I was walking back to change when Dannie rushed up too me.

"You need to go back out there," She siad out fo breathe. I sighed.

"Dannie, my shift is over," She nodded and turned me to the registers again.

"I know, but a bunch of people just walked in and we need to keep them happy, please," I sighed and started towards the registers.

"Fine, but you owe me," She smiled and nodded and crossed her fingers over her heart and i laughed. I turned back around a smile on my face, then the smile faded. She was right. Where had all these people come from. I took a breathe as the first came up to me. He was an older man, about 40 ish. Brown thinning hair. Brown eyes. He looked at the menu above me.

" know, i'll just get a coffe, 4 sugars, 2 creams," He pulled out his wallet as i put the order in. 

"$20.54 sir," He handed me it in cash and i grabbed a cup from under the counter. I grabbed a sharpie.

"Your name sir?"

"Paul," I nodded and wrote it down. I looked up, there was a bunch of teenagers behind him. I smiled at him.

"You kids," He smiled back and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, in a way," I smiled and nodded. Maggie handed me his coffe. I put the lid on it and handed it to him.

"I feel so sorry for you,' He laughed and nodded.

"Alot of people are," I laughed and walked back to the register. One of the young boys walked up and smiled at me.

"Ello love, how are you," I couldnt help but smile at his happy tone.

"Im very good how are you?" He smiled.

"Im exellent, i'll get a tea, and just give me a little honey and sugar, and i can add it myself," I nodded and put his order in.

"$18.67," I said. He pulled out a card and i handed him the card machine. He swiped and i grabbed a cup from under the counter.

"Your name?"

"Louis," He said. I wrote it down. I handed it Maggie and walked back over to the register and took the next boys order. His blonde hair stood out from the rest. I took his order and gave Maggie his cup as she gave me Louis's I handed it too him and he smiled.

"Thanks love," I smiled back.

"Your very welcome, have a good day," He nodded and walked away, pouring the honey and sugar into it already. I took the next boys order. he was very polite. Asking me the questions instead of me asking him. I smiled ad wrote his name down on the cup. Liam. Maggie handded me the blonde boys cup, Niall and i handed it too him.

"Thanks alot," he said. An irish accent strong in voice. I smiled and nodded as Josh took over the next boys order as i gave Liam his cup.

"Thank you love," I nodded.

"Your welcome,"  As Josh wrote down the next boys name i realized they all had an accent. He seemed to be the only irish. All the rest sounded british. Josh handed me the cup. Zayn was written on it. I handed it to Maggie and went to take the last boys order. Before he said what he wanted he shock his curls and then smiled up at me.

"Hey babe," I smiled. His dimples where cute. I took his order and asked for his name.

"Harry," I wrote it down and handed it to Maggie. I turned to the boy.

"ok, i have a question, are you all like, realted or something?" He laughed and shook his head, looking back at the other boys.

"All friends, traveling together," I nodded and Maggie set a cup into my hand and i handed it to him. He slipped something into my hand and smiled.

"Thanks," I watched them all leave then looked at my hand. On a piece of paper, was he number.

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