Chapter 44 3/9 - Don't Go

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We literally ran out into the hospital  I stopped at the front desk and looked at the receptionist. I remembered the last time I had been at the hospital, going to see Harry after a car accident, and i was hoping it would end the same way. She told us where he was and we ran towards his room. The doctor stood outside the door. He saw us coming and stopped us. I looked at him.

"Please,  only one person," Louis patted my should and i shook my head.

"No, all of us are going in," I looked at the doctor he sighed.

"Fine, but i should tell you his condition, he was bit right on, and he hit his head on the dash and broke through the glass, he has bad bleeding in his brain, and there's a chance he might not make it," I felt the tears come and i nodded  He opened the door and we walked in. He was laying on the bed. His heart monitor beeping. Cuts on his head and under his right eye. A bandage around his head. They boys walked forward.

"Hey man, hope you can hear us all, we love you mate," I put my hand on my stomach as the tears fell down my face. The boys squeezed his hand each. Louis hugged him tightly and i choked back a sob. Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie gave him each a kiss on the cheek.

"Wait for us up there will yah," Eleanor said through tears. Louis pulled her into his arms and i took a step froward.

"We'll give you some time," Niall said leaving. Carrie hadn't left my side. Niall took her with him. Soon i heard the door close. I kept my hand on my stomach. I walked over to his bed side and grabbed his hand in mine. I looked at his closed eyes. I wished with all my heart he would open his eyes. So i could see the love and joy in them. So he would smile and watch our baby grow up. I sat down on the chair and watched him.

"Harry," He didn't move. I sighed.

"Harry, if you can hear me... I love you, through all the crap we have been through, I always loved you," I took some deep breathes. A sob caught in my throat. I squeezed his hand.

"I can't, and couldn't believe it when you asked me to marry you, I felt like my life couldn't get any better....until.." I still couldn't tell him. He was dieing and i still felt nervous. I sighed and stood up.

"Harry, I was to scared to tell you before...but I'll tell you now..." I sighed and closed my eyes and took a breathe.

"I'm pregnant, Harry," I looked at him and before i knew it, his heart monitor went flat and i feel to the floor.

I Only Ever Go In One Direction (Harry Styles) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now