Back For You - Chapter 28

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I woke up with a HUGE head ache. I groaned and rolled over in bed and brought my knees up to my chest. My head was killing me. More then usual. I rolled over and felt someone's arms wrapped around my neck. I looked up and saw curly brown hair and curled up to his side. I never thought i would be back here, never thought i would be back in his arms ever again. I thought i was going to be left alone all my life. I wrapped my arm around his waist and wrapped my leg around his and rested my head on his shoulder. I could still feel him breathing slowly, still fast asleep. I looked up at him. He looked so cute when he was sleeping. I trailed my finger along his chest. Drawing figure 8's and hearts. I felt his arm wrap around my neck and rest on my side, pulling me closer to his side. I looked up and he was smiling down at me.

"I never thought i would ever see those blue eyes look at me that way again," I felt my face go red and i looked back down at my hand. he grabbed my hand and rolled on top of me, pining me to the bed. I looked up at him. He looked back at me, his green eyes digging into my skin. He rested his forehead on mine, looking me in the eye.

"I can't tell you how sorry i am Sam," I kissed his lips lightly and twirled my finger around his curl's.

"You don't need to say that any more," He nodded.

"Yes i do, because i can tell your still nervous around me, like im going to freak out and hit you or yell at you again," I looked him in the eye. He looked back, he was right. I was scared. I didn't want to lose him again. I didn't want him to get mad at me and yell at me again. I didn't want to be broken again. I twirled my fingers in his curls and wrapped my legs around his. I kissed him again.

"Harry, i don't want you thinking about that,"

"But i will, because i have never felt so broken, and so low in my life, knowing that i had broken your heart, it kills me every time i think about it," I cupped his face in my hands and made him look right at me.

"Then stop thinking about it, and just think about the fact that im here now, and nothing is going to change that," He smiled slightly at me and kissed me. I kissed him back, running my fingers into his curls again. He put his hands on my waist and i wrapped my legs around his waist, putting my fingers deeper into his curls. He moaned lightly and bite my bottom lip. I moaned and kissed him harder. And just on cue, there was a knock at the door. We both groaned and unwound ourselves from each other and grabbed clothes that were on the floor. I grabbed one of his t shirts and slipped it on. He grabbed his jeans and put them on and answered the door.

"Are we interrupting something," I heard Louis ask. I quickly grasped my underwear and slipped it on and walked up to the door, behind Harry, Harry nodded.

"Yes you...."

"No your not, come on in," I said smiling. Harry growled lightly and i smirked and kissed him lightly.

"Later," I whispered in his ear as the boys walked in, followed by the girls. They all smiled at me and walked in. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me up against him, pressing his lips to my ear,

"I won't be able to wait till later," I laughed and kissed his cheek and walked over to the couch were everyone was. I looked down at what i was wearing and saw my dress from last night on the side of the bed. I walked over and grabbed it and started my ways towards the bathroom. Hary stopped me and looked at me.

"Were are you going?"  I looked at him and pulled at his top i had on.

"Changing into my dress from last night," He raised and eyebrow and looked at the shirt i was wearing.

"I think you look cute in this," I smiled.

"Yeah, well i think you look cute naked, but im not telling you to take off you pants right here right now, am i?" He smirked.

"I well if you want me too," I laughed and pushed him back.

"Your suck a dumb ass," he winked at me and walked over to everyone else. I walked into the bathroom and changed into my dress and walked back out, throwing him his top. he grabbed it and slipped it on. I walked over and sat beside him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and i looked at everyone.

"So, what's up?"

"Nothing, just came to get you too because we have to leave for California today," I looked up at Harry and he nodded slightly. I frowned and looked down. Casey leaned forward,

"Yeah, and we have to go to New York and record our second album," I sighed and nodded.

"Yeah,we do," We all got up and walked out of the hotel room, Harry and me had some how got a hotel room drunk as anything. We waved at the people and handed in our key and walked out of the hotel. Their van was waiting and so was ours. I turned and saw Harry was looking at me. He wrapped me in his arms and kissed the top of my head.

"I'll try and come and see you as soon as i can," I nodded and closed my eyes. Feeling the tears come, i had just gotten him back and now we we're both leaving. I sighed and took a deep breathe. I looked up at him and he kissed me, running his fingers through my hair. I kissed him back and then Louis yelled at us. He pulled away and kissed my cheek before climbing into the van. I sighed and climbed into ours and looked behind us as we turned separate ways. I didn't want to leave already. but it was our jobs. I sighed and sat back in my seat. We were going back to our original hotel room to get washed and changed. And then New York. You know, maybe we would do the remix of Kiss You after all.

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